Plongez dans des batailles épiques avec des orques et des zombies. This is your time to conquer!
Plongez dans le monde fantastique dangereux plein de trolls, de dragons, d'orcs, de zombies, de squelettes et de nombreux autres ennemis épiques dans la saga aventureuse d'action RPG Warrior!
Caractéristiques principales:
- Huge open world
- Lots of epic bosses
- Powerful magic skills
- Challenging quests
- Adventure in a fantasy world and fight with enemies to become more powerful
- Enlarge your health and energy by fighting with your enemies
- Use health and mana poison to restore health and energy immediately
- Use your special skills to become invulnerable and more powerful
- Name your character, select a powerful weapon for battles
- Choose a gander, clothes, helmet, boots (next update)
- Fight your enemies will grant your experience to level-up your hero
- Use your reached skill points to enlarge your: health, energy and power of attack
- Complete interesting quests
- Fight new dangerous bosses
- Unlock facts about game's characters by hunting specific enemies and completing the quests
- Discover interesting facts about your enemies
- 15 different enemies to hunt
- Study your enemies information in game menu you will be fighting
- Set up quality level, sound, music level in the game
- Choose camera mode: Fixed or Free. Zoom in or out, change position
- In-depth quest system with 16 missions to complete
- Amazing sound effect for environment and enemies
- Choose the gender of your hero
- Add ability to buy clothes and ammo
- Create pets
- Add new map system. You will be able to rotate, zoom in out, add markers to navigate
- Create an adventure weather system with different levels of rainfall and thunder
- Day and night system
- New location desert, forest, volcano, castle
Fight and become ultimate warrior. Level-up and upgrade your hero skills. Accomplish quests to become a legendary warrior!
Download now to play!
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Have fun playing Warrior Saga RPG game.
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