Sumérgete en batallas épicas con orcos y zombis. This is your time to conquer!
¡Sumérgete en el peligroso mundo de fantasía lleno de trolls, dragones, orcos, zombis, esqueletos y muchos otros enemigos épicos en la acción aventurera RPG Warrior Saga!
Características principales:
- Huge open world
- Lots of epic bosses
- Powerful magic skills
- Challenging quests
- Adventure in a fantasy world and fight with enemies to become more powerful
- Enlarge your health and energy by fighting with your enemies
- Use health and mana poison to restore health and energy immediately
- Use your special skills to become invulnerable and more powerful
- Name your character, select a powerful weapon for battles
- Choose a gander, clothes, helmet, boots (next update)
- Fight your enemies will grant your experience to level-up your hero
- Use your reached skill points to enlarge your: health, energy and power of attack
- Complete interesting quests
- Fight new dangerous bosses
- Unlock facts about game's characters by hunting specific enemies and completing the quests
- Discover interesting facts about your enemies
- 15 different enemies to hunt
- Study your enemies information in game menu you will be fighting
- Set up quality level, sound, music level in the game
- Choose camera mode: Fixed or Free. Zoom in or out, change position
- In-depth quest system with 16 missions to complete
- Amazing sound effect for environment and enemies
- Choose the gender of your hero
- Add ability to buy clothes and ammo
- Create pets
- Add new map system. You will be able to rotate, zoom in out, add markers to navigate
- Create an adventure weather system with different levels of rainfall and thunder
- Day and night system
- New location desert, forest, volcano, castle
Fight and become ultimate warrior. Level-up and upgrade your hero skills. Accomplish quests to become a legendary warrior!
Download now to play!
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Have fun playing Warrior Saga RPG game.
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