使用RTL8187 USB適配器捕獲無需根的Wi-Fi數據包!
Wi-Fi PCAP Capture是捕獲原始802.11幀(“監視器模式”,或有時稱為“混雜模式”)的實用程序。
Wi-Fi PCAP Capture使用外部USB RTL8187 Wi-Fi卡,並且不需要自定義的ROM或根特權。
You will need a device running Android 4 or newer (for USB host support), a working USB host mode implementation (some manufacturers do not have a working implementation), a USB OTG cable or USB host port (some tablet devices offer standard USB ports, other devices and phones will require a compatible USB OTG adapter cable), and a RTL8187 (802.11b/g) based wireless NIC, such as the Alfa One.
Wi-Fi PCAP Capture是GPL,源可在網站上找到,網址為http://www.kismetwireless.net/android-pcap/
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