Introducing SAP Roambi Analytics for Android!現在,全球領先的移動報告和分析移動應用程序可用於Android手機和平板電腦。
SAP Roambi Analytics lets you take data from anywhere - including Excel, CSV, and Box - and transform it into rich, award-winning interactive charts, visualizations, and dashboards.
Designed and built from the ground up for mobile, SAP Roambi Analytics helps you explore, present, and share your data from your phone or tablet wherever you are.
Key features of SAP Roambi Analytics for Android
要創建自己的SAP Roambi可視化,請訪問www.roambi.com以獲取免費試用帳戶。
Note: To use the SAP Roambi Analytics mobile app with your business data, you must be a user of SAP Roambi, with mobile services enabled by your IT department.您可以首先使用示例數據嘗試該應用程序。
SAP Roambi Analytics is designed to run on Android phones or tablets with the following minimum requirements:
•Android OS 4.4.4或更大
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