Planet Ocean will help you identify and select the species managed sustainably.
As an educational and useful tool, " Planet Ocean " lists 100 species of fish and seashells based on their origin, their stock and fishing techniques.它將幫助您識別並選擇可持續管理的物種。
As a bonus, you can watch the " Planet Ocean " movie by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Michael Pitiot, as well as interviews and "making of" scenes.
您還將通過Goodplanet Info雜誌的文章以及消費者的建議和烹飪食譜找到有關海洋世界的最新消息。
Within its Ocean Program, The GoodPlanet Foundation has developed the " Planet Ocean " application to inform consumers about marine species and to promote sustainable fishing.
" Planet Ocean " was developed in partnership with Omega, with the collaboration of SeaWeb Europe.
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