KLIGP 2015
The 7th KL International Gifts, Premium & Stationery Fair 2015 (7th KLIGP 2015) is Southeast Asia's largest fair of its kind.由馬來西亞禮品與高級協會(MGPA)組織,今年的版本有來自東南亞和亞太地區的400多家參展商,包括香港,台灣和韓國。
More than 12,000 visitors are expected at this year's KLIGP , which is intended to serve as a platform for industry players to showcase their products and designs, and also exchange know-how with each other. The 7th KLIGP 2015 is endorsed by the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE), and supported by the Malaysian Federation of Textiles, Garments & General Goods, the Branding Association of Malaysia, the Singapore Gifts Association and the Thai Gifts, Premium & Decorative Association.
One of the KLIGP 's highlights is the Promotional Product Design (PPD) Award, which is intended to catalyze creativity, in inspiring talented professional designers to even greater heights. PPD獎得主還獲得了與既定的當地企業家合作進行商業化的獨特機會。
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