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作者: 佚名 更新时间: 2025-03-23

The mid-season update for Marvel Rivals Season 1 is here, and it brings new challenges along with it. While some are pretty simple, such as doing damage with new characters, others are a bit more confusing. Here's how to read Black Panther Lore: The Blood of Kings in Marvel Rivals .

Where To Find Black Panther Lore: The Blood of Kings in Marvel Rivals

There have been Marvel Rivals challenges in the past that have asked players to hunt down something in the game. In fact, the Chronoverse Saga Achievements for Season 1 send players on all kinds of strange missions. However, the latest quest for Midnight Features II takes things in a different direction, asking players to do a bit of reading.

Each Marvel Rivals character section has a lore section that houses information about them and their world. It's not required homework, so it's possible that a lot of players are missing out on extra details about their favorite heroes.值得庆幸的是,解决简单的补救措施,因为所有玩家都需要做的就是前往主菜单中的英雄屏幕,然后前往Lore部分。

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Heading to Black Panther's hero page will reveal The Blood of Kings, and all players have to do to complete the challenge is click on the lore.玩家还可以选择进入Midnight功能II屏幕并按照挑战旁边的“ GO”按钮,因为它将将他们直接带到传说,并允许他们获得奖励。

While that's all it takes to complete the challenge, it's worth actually reading the lore because it tells an interesting tale. T'Challa在另一个现实中前往纽约寻找里德·理查兹(Reed Richards),他的姐姐舒里(Shuri)认为,他可以帮助他们治愈人们与心形草药的疾病。 Unfortunately, the King of Wakanda meets resistance in the form of vampires.他快速地完成了他们的工作,但很快与他们的领导人德古拉(Dracula)面对面,后者毒害了英雄,并质疑他是应该拯救自己还是其他成千上万的人。

And that's how to read Black Panther Lore: The Blood of Kings in Marvel Rivals .如果您要寻找更多,这里是英雄射击游戏中所有角色的柜台。

Marvel Rivalsis现已在PS5,PC和Xbox系列X | S上提供。