向社会的超级有趣的游戏。 Laugh different thinking their area
- It takes a minimum of two players (one team) to play initiated or for a competitive game should be at least four players (two teams). In teams of two players.
- Assembling the team is simple. Two by two added players are placed in a team. If you need to change the team of a player it is possible arrows up and down. To clear the players click on the icon "recycle bin".
- 每一轮比赛,即先前的团队到期后,都将传递给下一个团队,并确定哪个玩家将使用相同的单词或单词的根来解释在屏幕上显示的单词。例如,显示“伞”一词,他解释了他的队友(来自同一支球队的球员)的球员必须说“您打开的内容并在您从云中掉下来时将其放在头上”。 Do not mention the rain because it is the root word, teammates from other teams will certainly react to this kind of invalid explanations!
- 任何人都可能发生错误地标记单词(为真或错误)或巡回演出的到期,以避免任何点或作弊的丢失或作弊的所有单词:)
- For each correct answer the team gets 1 point for each incorrect team is deducted 1 point, so be careful not to go into minus :)
- In the settings you can adjust the duration of the rounds and how many points it takes to make a team win.
- Language words is Croatian.
- NOTE: Before the game begins negotiations with the company about additional rules. For example if a player who strikes must say the solution exactly as it appears on the screen or not to avoid unnecessary strife. For example, showing the word in the plural, and the player said in the singular and the like. Accepts whether the answer is no?
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