Word Slinger , ваш компаньон, когда веселится со словами!
Word Slinger -это классический «угадайте слово» -тип игры. Game has a large dictionary and addictive game play with different play modes.
Game shuffles letters and player's task is to find as many English language words starting from word length of 3 letters up to 8 letters. Amount of letters is dependent on the selected difficulty.
Game has two modes, regular and speed mode. In regular mode player can guess words as long as he/she wishes. Speed mode has a time constraint and amount of time is dependent on the selected difficulty.
Game comes with 10 hints. Using a hint game reveals one letter at correct position in one of the longest words. By using more hints more letters are revealed until all letters are revealed. Using hints prevents time bonus in speed level. Player can purchase more hints from Google Play.
Player gets bonus for finding several words in a row. Each consecutive correct word after first word will grant a streak bonus. Streak bonus is reset if word is incorrect.
Speed level grant time bonus if you haven't used any hints at that level. Time bonus is 10 times the time left in seconds when level is completed.
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