Run Down is a game in which you have to control a ball which is falling.
Для выживания вам нужно быстро двигаться, продолжайте прыгать через платформы, которые поднимаются на экране снизу и не позволяют мячу касаются вершины; tilt the phone to move the
ball's direction to & fro.
The game is loaded with Coins to make the game more fun & interesting; so keep collecting and increase points at your score card.
The longer you stay the more points you get. While playing beware of the objects which can make your ball fall and can get the objects which can make your game slow or fast.
While playing you may experience multiple balls at a time so be allert.
• Impressive Graphics
• Improve game play
• Added coins for more fun & interest
• Highly addictive
• Move as far as you can
• The game increases speed as you continues
• Unlimited Game time to play
• Replay again to beat your best time
• Player can set the level (Easy, Medium and fast) before playing
Please visit our website for more information:
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