Gift4ME is about discovering amazing products you can win for free.
Thank you for choosing to install the Gift4ME App. If you want someone else to sponsor your next holiday or provide you with a gift card you've come to the right place. You will have a chance to win them, free of charge.
At Gift4ME we work hard on getting you the best sweepstakes that are being currently promoted by advertisers.
You are going to get this app, free of charge. There is one catch. Due to our agreement with advertisers we will not be able to allow more than one million downloads of the app. Those of you that will have the app will continue getting offers but it will not be available publicly any more.
* 100% Free! Нет покупок в приложении!
* Enter for a chance to win daily giveaways.
* After 1m downloads. The app is gone forever.
* No money is asked at any point!
Чего вы ждете? Download today and start winning some prizes!
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