create a thick photo book on your phone
What is ResPack?
ResPack (Resource pack for Handy Album & Notes on Life) is a series of installable template resource package and it contains different theme & purpose of templates, ResPack 02 is a free photo book.
Decorate your photos with over 20 beautify free photo frames and to create a thick photo book on your phone. ResPack 02- Free Photo book is a generic template resource package for Handy Album & Notes on Life app.
It contains over 20 brand-new frames, including all new design Holiday theme, sightseeing, portrait, combination photo and etc.
Free Photo book makes it easy & extra fun for you to create more engaging experience via Handy Album & Notes on Life.
Как его использовать?
1. Simply install it on your device and it joins Handy Album & Notes on Life app as an extra template resource.
2. Install and open ResPack 02- Free Photo book in Handy Album & Notes on Life app and to organize your scattered photos, text, handwriting, decorations into a beautify photo book.
.ResPack02 is extra resource package for Handy Album & Notes on Life, please install either of them.
.Attention to compatibility of Handy Album & Notes on Life with ResPack 02- Free Photo book
★Recommend AppPack & ResPack from appbody★
AppPack 01 - Photo editor: An enhanced photo editing and effects function app
AppPack 02 - PIM:Personal Information Manager
AppPack 03-Chart :Bar chart ,line chart,pie chart
AppPack 04-List Set : Check list, home budget, shopping list with calculation functions
AppPack 05-Budget:Better money management by tracking income and expense
ResPack 01 - Free Notebook:number log, contact list integration and a pile of classical paper-like pages templates.
ResPack 02 - Free Photo book :Over 20 beautify free photo frames
ResPack 03 - Free Diary:20 pages of diary templates for different style and purpose
ResPack 04 - Christmas Album:A dozen of elegant, festive frames features traditional Christmas backgrounds and decorative figure
ResPack 05 - Christmas:A series of templates for special use of New Year & Christmas
ResPack 06 - Healthy Life: 30 logs & checklists for purpose of diet, meal planner, workout & exercise, smoking control and etc
ResPack 07 - Covers: 32 covers for notebooks and 8 for folders.
ResPack 08 - Kids Album: Cute designs, animals and fairy tales, keep the sweetest moment of children.
ResPack 09 - Kids Birthday: Filled with Photos of everything the birthday girl or boy likes
ResPack 10 - Romantic Album: Happy Valentine's Day EVERDAY!
RESPACK 11- SYMBOLS: 200 high quality, well-designed symbols & icons
ResPack12-Party Time: Frame your happy time forever with party theme album.
ResPack 15-Christmas Budget: holiday checklist & budget.
Find ResPack or App Pack by searching “ ResPack” “AppPack”or “Appbody
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