Самое популярное приложение для смартфона и планшетов Android в мире!
AnTuTu Benchmark is the most popular Android smartphone and tablet benchmarking app in the world!
☆ Более 100 000 000 пользователей
☆ Betenchmark App, используемое во время Google I/O 2014
☆ No.1 benchmark app, used as an industry standard by leading technology companies and hardware review sites.
With the Click and Go test suite, Antutu will comprehensively test all aspects of a device, including UX, GPU, RAM, CPU, I/O and more. Каждый предмет оценивается в отдельности и дает счет. Эти оценки могут быть загружены в базу данных Antutu, а затем используются для ранжирования вашего устройства среди всех других устройств Android.
AnTuTu Benchmark V8 is developed based on Android Q. It introduces a number of significant improvements and enhancements over the existing CPU, GPU, MEM and UX tests.
New features in Antutu V8.0:
1. CPU: Upgraded test algorithms, optimized support for ARM's new Tri-Cluster architecture, and adjusted the stress distribution.
2. GPU: представляет новую Vulkan Scene "Terracotta Warriors", чтобы проверить производительность GPU на мобильном телефоне при запуске игр с высоким уровнем стресса, национально разработанными с использованием технологии Vulkan.
3. GPU: Upgrades "Coastline" scene from OpenGL ES 3.1 to Vulkan to test the Vulkan gaming performance of GPU under medium-to-high stress.
4. MEM: Fully upgraded Memory test items, to test both hardware Direct I/O and system filesystem performance.
5. UX: Increases the load of all the test scenes. Screen refresh rate is included into the scope of measurement.
Get your AnTuTu Benchmark score and ranking! Compare and share with your friends!
The AnTuTu Benchmark score of your device is mainly defined by your hardware configuration, but can also be influenced by other elements, including system mode, current device temperature, running apps and more. The score may vary slightly each time you test.
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