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Como obter todos os medalhões no Fortnite Capítulo 6 Temporada 2

Autor: Anônimo Data de Atualização: 2025-03-23

In Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2, players can defeat two different boss NPCs around the map to obtain Medallions for themselves. These tokens grant special power-ups that can prove very useful in battle. Here's a guide explaining how to get the Medallions and their abilities along with tips to defeat the boss.

All Medallions in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2

You can obtain the two Boss Medallions in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2: Unstoppable Medallion and Super Shield Medallion . Enquanto o primeiro pode ser obtido após derrotar a máfia da ilha Don Fletcher Kane , o último já está no jogo há algum tempo e é retirado pelo Demon Warrior Shogun X. Find out details on how to obtain these Medallions by defeating the bosses below.

How to get the Unstoppable Medallion in Fortnite - How to defeat Fletcher Kane "the Wolf"

Firstly, open the map and look at the vault marked with the wolf icon (see map above). Five vaults appear every game at their fixed locations, ie, Masked Meadows, Crime City, Lonewolf Lair, Seaport City, and Armored Train. You need to go to the one with the wolf indicator as this is where Fletcher Kane will spawn. Be prepared for a fight as enemy players will also land at these hot-drops.

Look around the area for a Thermite , which you can easily find as loot from chests or bags. Enter the vault building and place the Thermite on the vault door to begin the process of cracking it open (see the second image). You can speed up the operation by shooting at the weak points . This can be done more effectively using a Plasma Burst Laser , which is specially designed for the task.

As the explosive slowly does its work and burns through the metal, NPC enemies will appear in waves and attack you. Eliminating the henchmen is quite easy, just beware of enemy players in the area. Soon, the boss Fletcher Kane will spawn near the vault. The boss is not that difficult to defeat, just follow these tips:

  • Fletcher Kane has a massive HP bar so he'll tank a lot of bullets. Maintain your distance and lower his health by shooting him with a ranged weapon like an AR or SMG.
  • Meanwhile, his henchmen will also attack you but you should be able to take them out effortlessly.
  • An armored boss also spawns with the wolf boss, so beware as you'll have to defeat him as well.
  • Once you've destroyed Kane's shield, he gets enraged and will charge at you with his claws (see second image above). Before he deals much damage, pull out your shotgun and finish him.

Defeat Fletcher Kane and he'll drop some loot along with two very useful items: Unstoppable Medallion and Double Down Pistol . The Unstoppable Medallion grants you a sprint speed boost and the ability to knock back enemies when you run directly into them. On the other hand, Kane's Double Down Pistol is a legendary hand cannon with two powerful bullets that can deal very high damage to opponents.

To unlock the full potential of the Unstoppable Medallion, I suggest you find The Kneecapper melee weapon. This weapon reduces the energy cost of sprinting while boosting sprint speed and jump distance. Combined with the Medallion, you get a massive speed increase that lets you zoom across the fields as I am doing in the image above. Keep in mind that Medallions have a downside: they make you visible on opponents' mini-map , so beware of possible threats.

How to get the Super Shield Medallion in Fortnite - Find and defeat Shogun X

O segundo medalhão que você pode obter no capítulo 6 da 2ª temporada de Fortnite é o medalhão do Super Shield, que pode ser obtido matando Shogun X. Você já deve saber sobre esse chefe tanque se jogou na última temporada, independentemente, mostrarei como encontrá -lo e derrotá -lo.

For Shogun X to appear, you'll have to survive for a while in the match. Esse chefe aparece em um local aleatório no meio do jogo por meio de um portal e você pode identificá-lo facilmente com um marcador lacrimal de fenda vermelha no mapa (veja a imagem acima). You'll also get a notification alert on the screen when he spawns. The marker is later changed to a cluster of islands as shown in the second picture.

Reach the location and look for an airlift (see above image) under the floating islands. The airlift acts as a jump pad and launches you up into the sky as you enter it. Once you've gained enough height, open your umbrella and land on the large chunk of rock where Shogun X is held up.

Essa luta contra chefes será mais difícil do que Fletcher Kane, pois Shogun X tem uma enorme barra de saúde e alguns movimentos poderosos de ataque que você deve se esquivar. Here are some tips to defeat the demon:

  • Start shooting as the boss, especially at his head in order to deal critical damage. Make sure to collect powerful legendary weapons and lots of ammo early game to use them against the boss.
  • Always keep moving and stay out of his line of sight, preferably behind some cover. This will allow you to dodge the fiery skulls he sends at you.
  • He'll also use his teleport ability often to keep you on your toes. Be vigilant as he can instantly spawn behind or close to you.
  • Run if he's close to dodge the katana attacks. I suggest you carry The Kneecapper melee as it helped me get away a lot quicker thanks to the sprint speed and jump distance boost if offers.

Depois que Shogun X é eliminado, você pode pegar o medalhão do Super Shield que gera uma bolha de escudo Jr. quando estiver usando itens de cura, exceto salpicos e granadas. Be extra cautious while wielding both Medallions as you'll be highlighted to every other player. The end game has more skilled opponents, so it's your choice if you want the stealth of the useful abilities.

For more on Fortnite, check out How to get Dill Bits in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 2 and How to Use Them on Pro Game Guides.