Suzzle, the game for the ones that count!
Suzzle, the game for the ones that count!
Keep training your mind with this nice little game whose aim is to sum the numbers placed on a chessboard to reach the target sum.
There are three game modes.
Child mode - Chessboard 3 x 3 and all helps enabled.
Practice mode - Select the side of the chessboard and helps to activate in the settings of the game.
Online play - Challenge registered users. Users can register either by creating your own account Suzzle or logging in with his Facebook account.
Play the game is very simply.
O aplicativo começa com uma tela dividida em três seções: a seção superior reservada para as informações do jogo (pontuação e o tempo restante), uma seção central que contém o número de destino e o botão Switch e, na parte inferior, uma placa preenchida com números aleatórios de 1 a 9 com os símbolos de bônus associados.
The game is divided into two rounds of two minutes.
In each round the player must repeatedly try to reach the target number. After playing a round, the player waits for his opponent to complete its round.
Você pode pesquisar o número de destino, pré-calculado como combinações dos números na grade, através de um caminho contínuo desenhado com o dedo na grade numérica. As soon as the player off your finger from the screen, numbers highlighted in the path are summed and compared with the current target number. If they are equals a score is calculated based on the number of cells touched, bonuses and aid required. The calculated score is summed to obtain the total at the end of the two rounds.
O aplicativo também inclui uma tolerância de mais ou menos 10% da meta, o que permite que o jogador obtenha pontos, sem atingir exatamente o número de destino. In this case is attributed a score of 50% lower than that achieved exactly reaching the target number.
The available bonus are the following:
DN - Double the value of the associated number.
TN - Triple the number value associated.
DS - Double the value of points earned during the search of the target number.
TS - Triple the value of points earned during the search of the target number.
The use of helps entails the following score decrease:
Starting number (-10% of score) - Shows the number from which it started the calculation of the sum.
Partial sum (-80% of score) - Show the partial sum as the player move his finger on the board.• Bug fixing
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