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Ninja Time Clans Tier List & Reroll Guide

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-21

Similar to the Naruto manga/anime series, Clans play a massive role in determining the overall combat potential of your kit in Ninja Time, as each Clan provides unique perks that will make or break your build. So, instead of keeping/selecting a random Clan, I highly recommend you read the below tier list and pick the best Clan to make a formidable build according to your gameplay style.

All Clans Ranked - Ninja Time Tier List

Below, you can find all the Clans in Ninja Time classified into five categories, starting from S and going all the way to D. Like every other tier list, the S-Tier Clans are the best in the game. At the same time, the D-Tier should be avoided as much as possible. I have also provided the buffs of each Clan on the list for a much better understanding.

S- Tier Clans

Clan NameRarityPros/Cons

Red Eyes
Mythical+Extremely High Damage Number, Attack Range, and Group Control Capability
+ High Defensive Stats Due to Susanoo Transformation
+ Strongest Awakening in Ninja Time

Purple Eyes
Divine+ Most Moves are Auto-Attack and Easy to Execute
+A Large Arsenal of Moves, Making it suitable for a variety of Combos
+ Great Damage Numbers, Range, and Speed

A- Tier Clans

Clan NameRarityPros/Cons

Yellow Thunder
Legendary+ Suitable for Agile and Speed Based Builds
+ Ideal For Combo Builds
+ Good Damage Numbers and Low Cooldown
- Requires a lot of time to Master

Epic+ Good Mix of Close and Long Range Attacks
+ Usage of Clan Unique Weapons like Bone Sword
+ A Lot of Auto-Attacks
-Lacks Raw Damage Numbers
- Consumes a Lot of Chakra

B- Tier Clans

Clan NameRarityPros/Cons

Rare+ Extremely Good for Close Range Attacks
+ Most Skills Apply Effects that Causes Damage over Time
+ Low Cooldown and Easy To Use
- Lack of Raw Damage Numbers and Long Range Attacks

Common+Best Support Clan in Ninja Time
+ Multiple Ways to Heal Allies/Self, including Auto Heal Skills
+ Decent Close-Range Fist Based Combat Moves
- Extremely Low Damage Numbers
- Highly Dependent on Other Ally Members

C- Tier Clans

Clan NameRarityPros/Cons

White Eyes
Mythical + Extremely Good Moves for Melee Users
+Good mix of both Medium to Close Range Moves
- Consumes a Lot of Chakra
- The White Eye Modes is very Inffective as it only scans the Chakra Points/Levels

D- Tier Clans

Clan NameRarityPros/Cons

Legendary+ Very Strong Moves for Closed Range Combat
+Easy To Execute and Understand
- Extremely Grindy to Use Skills due to requirements
- Very Low Attack Range

How to reroll Clans in Ninja Time

Like most Naruto games, you cannot pick or select your Clans from a list of options in Ninja Time. Instead, you can only spin and get a random Clan. If you like the Clan, you can keep it or pay more Spins to get a new one. The best way to get Spins is either buy it using Robux or use our exclusive Ninja Time Codes Article to know all the redeemable codes to get some free spins.

To reroll clans, click on the Spins option from the main menu to reach the Spins menu. Here, click on the Clan option at the bottom right of the menu to start spinning for new Clans. For the Reroll Rarity of each Clan, check the below list.

  • Common - 69%
  • Rare - 15%
  • Epic - 10%
  • Legendary - 5%
  • Mythic -1%
  • Divine -0.5%

For more on Ninja Time, Check out Ninja Time Elements Tier List & Reroll Guide – Roblox or Official Ninja Time Trello Link & Discord – Roblox