Phasmophobia‘s Survival of the Fittest Weekly Challenge is one of the most horrifying ways to experience the game. Here’s how you can come out the other side alive.
Survival of the Fittest is one of the most difficult challenges offered in Phasmophobia up to this point, due to all that it deprives of the player. As its description suggests, you have to correctly guess the ghost’s identity without the help of traditional evidence or the protection of sanity.
You must complete this challenge at 42 Edgefield Road, one of the game’s house-style map locations. Due to its narrow hallways, blind corners, and overall claustrophobic layout, it can make tracking down and evading the ghost considerably more difficult.
Upon arriving at the location, there are certain stipulations to keep in mind. First, as mentioned earlier, you will not be able to count on traditional evidence to identify the ghost. The equipment loadout you’re provided excludes most of the standard evidence-gathering tools, from Ghost Writing Books to DOTs Projectors. You won’t even have Video Cameras to use for extra camera angles.
Instead, you will need to rely on other means of identifying the ghost. Pay attention to the ghost’s unique behavior traits, movement speed, ghost model, etc. Certain tools that you are given can help in this regard.
For example, the Parabolic Microphone can detect the unique screams of a Banshee or the frequent sounds of a Myling. Salt placed on the floor can determine if you’re dealing with a Wraith. Meanwhile, if you light three Firelights in succession, it may reveal an Onyro. If you have difficulty guessing the ghost’s identity this way, check out our full cheat sheet of No Evidence ghost behaviors.
Related: All Weekly Challenges in Phasmophobia, Listed
You also start this challenge with no setup time (well technically five seconds) and with zero sanity, which makes you immediately vulnerable to ghost hunts. Furthermore, sanity cannot be restored, even with the two Sanity Medications you’re jokingly provided. So be prepared to complete this investigation under those dangerous conditions.
While evidence will prove difficult to gather with the tools you have, the ghost will still exhibit high activity at all times. Events will also happen frequently, so as scary as it may seem, this can all still help you detect and understand unique ghost behavior. The ghost can also roam but its favorite room will never change, so keep that in mind.
Most doors in the house will start partially open, so detecting the ghost’s location based on that is significantly more difficult. However, the fuse box will be functional and start on, which is a rare benefit for these challenges. All hiding spots (nine total in 42 Edgefield Road) will also be available, to give you plenty of opportunities to seek safety during hunts.
Finally, you get just one specific Cursed Possession for this challenge – the Monkey Paw. While considerably risky to use (especially if you’re playing solo), this object can help in one particular way. If you use it to “wish for knowledge”, several incorrect evidences and ghost types will burn out in your Journal, which will give you a better chance of guessing your ghostly culprit correctly.
However, the cost of this wish is still dangerous. You will be effectively blinded and deafened and a Cursed Hunt will start near you. We recommend this strategy for groups of players since one can act as a sacrifice without jeopardizing the investigation.
Challenge Mode functions as a unique weekly task that you must access via the Difficulty Settings in your Main Menu. First, select either Singleplayer or Multiplayer, which will start a new lobby for you. Next, select the Difficulty tab above your character ID.
From here, scroll through the various difficulty settings until you find Challenge Mode. Select ‘Apply’ to set it as your next investigation. Remember that you must complete these weekly challenges at the location indicated on the board. The Challenge Mode difficulty doesn’t automatically select it, so go to the Maps board to your left and select 42 Edgefield Road.
Also, remember that to receive full credit ($5,000 base reward) for each weekly challenge, you must complete the same investigation three times. You only need to correctly identify to ghost during the investigation, nothing else.
Technically, the Weekly Challenge restarts on Monday at Midnight UTC, but players in North America can jump in on Sunday evening at the following times to take on the new Weekly Challenge:
Remember that you must complete your full weekly challenge before this server reset to get credit.
Phasmophobiais available now on PC.