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Fisch Cursed Seas Event Guide

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-23

In this week's Fisch Update, Fisch developers have added a new event called the Cursed Event. Unlike previous events that focused on individual gameplay, this is a community event that requires players to come together and perform a lot of tasks. So, here is a detailed guide about everything in the event.

How to start the Cursed Event in Fisch

You can start the Cursed Event in Fisch by speaking with the Silas NPC near the Docks of Moosewood. If you don't know how the NPC looks, you can refer to the above-featured image. Speak with him, and he will teleport you to an isolated cave, which is nothing but the Cults Curse pool area.

Here, you can find a chart called "Fish Caught" at the center with various rewards associated with each landmark, like 500 Million, 2 Billion, and more. So, what is the event all about? Well, this is pretty easy to understand. As a community, we should all catch fish to increase the bar, and when the bar reaches a particular landmark, we will get a reward associated with it. This applies to all the public and private servers. Get on your boats, call your friends, and fish at your favorite landmarks to keep increasing the bar until the end.

Cursed Sea Event Rewards

As mentioned earlier, there are plenty of rewards for the Cursed Sea Event, which are given below. You can unlock/redeem these events by reaching the respective landmarks in the event.

RewardsUnlock Criteria
Ruined Dreamer BobberUnlocks at 100 Million Fishes
Unlocks Dreamer Revolution TitleUnlocks at 500 Million Fishes
Ability to purchase Cursed Storm TotemUnlocks at 2 Billion Fishes
Access to Cults Curse PoolUnlocks at 5 Billion Fishes
Cursed BoatUnlocks at 7 Billion Fishes

How to get Cursed Storm Totem

Once, as a community, you have reached the 2 Billion Fishes caught mark, you will gain the ability to purchase the Cursed Storm Totem for C$1,000,000 inside the same room as shown in the above image. So, what does the Cursed Storm Totem do? Well, activating the Totem spawns a green cloud outside the coast of Moosewood. The fish caught in this cloud will have x2 XP and have a chance of getting the new Cursed Mutation!

How to catch all 8 Fishes in Cults Curse

At the 5 Billion Mark, you will gain access to the Cults Curse Beastiary, which has eight exclusive fishes to catch. You can find this on the left side of the room, as mentioned in the above image.

Fish NameTypeBaitSeasonTimeWeather
Veilborn ParasiteLimitedNoneNoneNoneNone
Profane RayLimitedNoneNoneNoneNone
Eldritch SpinebackLimitedNoneNoneNoneNone
Bloodscript EelLimitedNoneNoneNoneNone
Abyssal MawLimitedNoneNoneNoneNone
The Whispering OneLimitedNoneNoneNoneNone
Wretched GuppyLimitedNoneNoneNoneNone
Hollow GazerLimitedNoneNoneNoneNone

For more on Fisch, Check Fisch Lucky Event Quest Guide – Leprechauns, Locations and Shamrock Rod or Fisch Archaeological Hunt Event Guide – Roblox