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Fields of Mistria Juniper Gift Guide

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-20

As you build and grow your farm in Fields of Mistria, it’s also important to grow long-lasting friendships with Mistria’s locals. Juniper is a particularly special friend to have, and if you want to pursue something more with her, then you’ll need to understand gifting. If you’re not sure where to start, here’s a guide on how to give Juniper the best gifts.

How to Romance a Character in Fields of Mistria

While you can form friendships with just about everybody in Fields of Mistria, romance is reserved for a select group of NPCs. As of the v0.13.0 update, you can choose a romantic interest from a total of 11 different NPCs, even Caldarus himself.

All romanceable NPCs have their own heart meter, which can fill depending on how you interact with them. To build a romance with a particular NPC, you need to interact with them frequently and pay attention to their likes and dislikes.

First, talk to them on a daily basis, which you can easily do while fulfilling other tasks around town. A bit of conversation every day can go a long way. Next, make sure to complete any requests they put on the town board. The more of those you do, the more opportunities you have to increase their heart gauge.

Finally, you can offer gifts to them once per day, which should consist of items they personally like (or love). These items will vary from one character to another and you can gather or craft them. When their birthday arrives, make sure to give them an item that they love. Doing all of these consistently will boost their heart gauge in no time.

However, be aware that NPC heart gauges can currently only go up to six hearts. The cutscene that plays with your chosen NPC after gaining six hearts will insinuate that something is kindling but not a full-blown romance yet.

Per the game’s announced roadmap, 8 and 10-heart events for romanceable NPCs will eventually be added. Not only that, options for marriage and children will also follow suit. So no need to worry about your Mistria romance fizzling out before it’s really begun.

All Gifts For Juniper in Fields of Mistria

Juniper is one of the many romanceable characters in Fields of Mistria. When she’s not out running around looking for strange witchcraft ingredients, you can find her at the bathhouse she runs in the northeastern part of town.

If you want to romance Juniper during your playthrough, then you need to focus on visiting her, completing her requests on the town board, and bringing her daily gifts.

There are a variety of gifts that Juniper “likes” and “loves”, and you can bring her any assortment of them. Her birthday is the 26th day of Fall, so make sure to bring her an item she “loves” then. This will give an extra boost to her heart gauge.

The items Juniper dislikes consist of all universal dislikes for every other NPC and Sod, so avoid giving her any of those.

Remember that you can check the status of their heart gauge at any time in your journal via the tab with the heart icon.

Items Juniper Loves

Item NameHow to Obtain
Ancient Royal ScepterCan be found while digging in Western Ruins
Black TabletCan be found while digging in random spots around the overworld;
must have ‘Well Placed’ skill perk unlocked
Crystal RoseCan be foraged in the Deep Earth section of the Mines
Fish TacosCraft with the following ingredients:
1 x Corn, 1 x Cod, 1 x Mayonnaise, 1 x Chili Pepper, 1 x Tide Lettuce

Can also be obtained while harvesting Chili Peppers or Corn
with the ‘Living Off the Land’ skill perk
Golden CookiesCan be obtained from the Chicken Statue near Sweetwater Farm for 100 Beads

Craft with the following ingredients:
2 x Golden Egg, 2 x Golden Milk, 2 x Golden Butter, 2 x Flour, 2 x Chocolate, 2 x Sugar
Moon Fruit CakeCraft with the following ingredients:
1 x Moon Fruit, 1 x Honey, 1 x Chicken Egg, 1 x Flour
Mushroom BrewSold at either Darcy’s Stall or Balor’s Wagon (80 x Tesserae)
PizzaSold at Balor’s Wagon (450 x Tesserae)

Craft with the following ingredients:
1 x Tomato, 1 x Cheese, 1 x Flour
Spell Fruit ParfaitCraft with the following ingredients:
1 x Spell Fruit, 1 x Lava Chestnuts, 1 x Crystal Berries, 1 x Sweetroot, 1 x Sugar, 1 x Golden Milk

Items Juniper Likes

Item NameHow to Obtain
Crunchy ChickpeasSold at Balor’s Wagon (110 x Tesserae)

Craft with the following ingredients:
1 x Chickpea, 1 x Rock Salt
Fog OrchidCan be foraged during the Fall season
FrogCan be caught while fishing or diving during Spring and Fall season
LatteSold at Darcy’s Stall (175 x Tesserae)

Can earn from the Wishing Well for 100 x Tesserae

Craft with the following ingredients:
1 x Coffee, 1 x Milk
MiddlemistCan be foraged during the Spring season

Sold at Balor’s Wagon (300 x Tesserae)
Monster PowderCan drop while slaying any Mushroom monster in the Mines
Morel MushroomCan be foraged during the Spring season

Sold at Balor’s Wagon (100 x Tesserae)
NettleCan be foraged during the Spring season
NewtCan be found will diving during all seasons
Night QueenCan be found while diving during the Summer season

Sold at Balor’s Wagon (300 x Tesserae)

Can be grown on your farm with Night Queen Seeds
PoinsettaCan be foraged during the Winter season

Sold at Balor’s Wagon (120 x Tesserae)

Can be grown on your farm with Poinsettia Seeds
Red WineSold at the Inn (100 x Tesserae)
White WineSold at the Inn (100 x Tesserae)
Shadow FlowerCan be foraged in the Upper Mines
Toasted Sunflower SeedsSold at Balor’s Wagon (220 x Tesserae)

Craft with the following ingredients:
1 x Sunflower, 1 x Rock Salt, 1 x Oil
Water Chestnut FrittersCraft with the following ingredients:
2 x Water Chestnut, 1 x Flour, 1 x Oil

That concludes our Fields of Mistria Juniper gift guide. Be sure to check out our other content for the game, including how to access the Deep Woods area.