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Best Firehair Decks in Marvel Snap

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: 2025-03-19

Did you know there’s a Marvel character called Firehair? Well, now you do. Her hair isn’t literally on fire – most of the time – though she does have a luscious red mane. Here are the best Firehair decks in Marvel Snap.

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  • How Firehair Works in Marvel Snap
  • Best Day One Firehair Decks in Marvel Snap
  • Is Firehair Worth Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector’s Tokens?

How Firehair Works in Marvel Snap

Firehair is a 2-cost, 3-power card with an ability that reads: “When one of your cards is destroyed, this uses that card’s On Reveal.”

If that sounds pretty powerful to you, you’re not wrong. Destroy effects used on On Reveal cards will trigger Firehair if she’s anywhere on the board. There’s a lot of synergy with the likes of Killmonger, Misery, and Lady Deathstrike. You might even see her paired with some Arnim Zola plays.

Much like cards such as The Collector, this isn’t an Ongoing ability that can be stopped or scooped up by the likes of Enchantress and Rogue; instead, you’ll have to counter Firehair by whacking her with Red Guardian.

Best Day One Firehair Decks in Marvel Snap

I see Firehair bringing mill-style lists right back into the meta, as she’s another Misery-like activator for the likes of The Hood and Yondu. Furthermore, she very clearly fits into destroy checks. Let’s take a look at the mill list first:

  • The Hood
  • Yondu
  • Fenris Wolf
  • Firehair
  • Killmonger
  • Venom
  • Baron Zemo
  • Gladiator
  • Shang-Chi
  • Misery
  • Lady Deathstrike
  • Death

Click here to copy this list from Untapped.

This is a relatively inexpensive list with Fenris Wolf, Baron Zemo, and Misery as the only Series 5 cards; you’ll want them all, however.

If you haven’t seen this deck before, it’s not so much about milling your opponents than disrupting their deck and getting a lot of value out of The Hood and Baron Zemo with the eventual hopes of discounting Death enough to play her for free.

Misery reactivates The Hood and Yondu, while Killmonger and Lady Deathstrike provide tech and destroy options. Firehair synergizes with all of these, doubling up the effects. My inspired choice is the inclusion of Venom as it synergizes well with Firehair without losing power on board: you can gobble up Baron Zemo and Shang-Chi to retrigger them, surprising your opponent as Firehair copies the effect in another lane.

Related: Best Gorgon, Laufey & Uncle Ben Decks in Marvel Snap

This next list is classic destroy, which most players will have the cards for:

  • The Hood
  • Nico Minoru
  • X-23
  • Carnage
  • Firehair
  • Wolverine
  • Killmonger
  • Venom
  • Attuma
  • Arnim Zola
  • Knull
  • Death

Click here to copy this list from Untapped.

The only Series 5 card in this list is Nico Minoru; while she’s great in this deck, you can swap her out for another destroy activator like Deathlok or even something like Bucky Barnes.

The playlines with this deck are pretty straightforward: you want to get X-23 and Wolverine on the board, repeatedly killing them over and over to gain energy, build power with Knull, and discount Death. Attuma helps a lot here as he will axe one card in his lane each turn; furthermore, Firehair makes this list as when something like Carnage or Killmonger gets gobbled up by Venom she’ll follow suit in another lane, sending X-23 and Wolverine flying.

This will, in turn, quickly discount Death and make Knull an absolute, lane-winning monster on the final turn.

Is Firehair Worth Spotlight Cache Keys or Collector’s Tokens?

Yes, if you get any of the Spotlight cards in March 2025, pick up Firehair – especially if you have no interest in discard lists with Khonshu coming next week. She has a lot of utility even out of these two decks as there are so many convenient destroy activators in Marvel Snap. Don’t be surprised to see players experiment with her in all kinds of lists alongside Misery and Venom.

And those are the best Firehair decks in Marvel Snap.

Marvel Snapis available to playnow.