A simple and easy to use odometer.
A simple and easy to use odometer. GPS Odometer 한 가지만 수행하며 잘 수행합니다. 이동 거리를 측정하십시오. Includes run in background capability. 걷기, 달리기, 운전, 보트 타기, 하이킹 또는 승마와 같은 야외 거리를 측정 해야하는 거의 모든 것에 이상적입니다.
* * * 중요한! * * * *
Common user mistakes:
-Do not try to test the application by pacing around in the same small area.
-Please note that satellite GPS uses a lot of battery power.
-Satellite based GPS location does not work well indoors or near large structures. Many apps use network based location because it does work indoors, but it is not accurate enough for use with this app. If the location icon is not solid in your status bar, that means your PHONE can't acquire a satellite GPS fix in that area.
-accurate to within 1 percent when compared to most car odometers under normal driving conditions.
-includes a timer
-includes pause/resume for each trip
-each trip can be started and stopped independently and multiple trips can be running at the same time
-includes a lock to help prevent accidental reset/stop/start of your trip. After unlocked, it locks back in a few seconds, or you can lock it yourself.
-includes displacement readout (straight line distance from your starting point)
-approximates distance travelled in some GPS dead spots such as driving through a tunnel by adding the as-a-bird flies distance to your trip.
-resumes tracking after restart (You must enable this feature in settings)
-2 widgets available: Simple (3 x 1) and Detail (4 x 2)
-supports landscape mode
옵션 :
-choose between average or current speed
-receive notifications at given distance intervals
-custom calculator. Uses include taxi fare and calories burned while exercising. Each trip can have a different custom calculator.
-receive a notification to turn off after no movement for some time (the 2 minute option is only recommended for testing)
-keep screen awake
-lock screen orientation
-2 themes: light and dark (note that light does not work well on older devices)
-3 coordinate options: decimal, DMS, DM
-specify widget update interval
distance units include:
nautical miles
speed units include:
kilometres per hour
miles per hour
nautical miles per hour
meters per second
feet per second
What this application does NOT do:
1) Does not record your route. Each trip has a start location (to calculate displacement), a last location, and a next-to-last location. No record of where you go is saved other than that. Only distance and time.
2) No location information ever leaves your device in satellite only GPS mode.
3) No maps. Only distance.
4) Will not well if your trip is limited to a small area. For example, driving in tight circles or gardening on a normal size residential property.
기타 노트 :
Move to Sd card is disabled because widgets will not work if the application is installed on the Sd card. The application is small, so please understand.
Please let us know if you discover a bug.
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다음은 Fortnite 6, 시즌 2의 석재 구조물에 혈장 버스트 레이저를 사용하여 미네랄 샘플을 수집하는 방법입니다.
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다음은 Repo의 모든 몬스터의 전체 목록과 게임 내에서 그들을 데려 올 때 어떻게 죽이거나 탈출 할 수 있는지입니다.
저희 웹사이트에서 GPS Odometer의 최신 버전을 쉽게 다운로드하실 수 있습니다! 등록이나 SMS가 필요 없습니다!