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Call of Dutyで最高のSMGS:Black Ops 6

著者: 匿名 更新日時: 2025-03-29

Assault Rifles and SMGS are consistently dominant across Call of Duty games. With the fast-paced maps and Omnimovement in Black Ops 6 , SMGs are finding a place high atop the game's meta. Here are the best SMGs in Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 .

The Best SMGs in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer

In Black Ops 6 Multiplayer and Ranked Play, many SMGs are among the best weapons in the game. For their fast fire rates and high mobility, SMGs are highly effective up close, which is where you'll find most enemies in Black Ops 6 .カスタマイズオプションがガンスミスで利用可能であるため、添付ファイルはSMGをミッドレンジでうまく機能させることさえでき、アサルトライフルに対して独自のパフォーマンスを発揮できます。 Here are our picks for the best SMGS in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer, from our own testing as well as stat databases like Warzone Meta.

  • #4。 PP-919 : A bit of an oddity among Black Ops 6 SMGs, the PP-919 is perhaps most effective at medium range. It has slower mobility and handling than most Black Ops 6 SMGs, as well as a fairly slow fire rate. That said, its huge magazine size more than makes up for it. The PP-919's massive 64-round magazine at base outclasses ARs and nearly rivals LMGs. This is a great advantage, especially in Black Ops 6 Ranked Play, where extended magazine attachments are prohibited.
  • #3. PPSH-41 :この古典的な第一次世界大戦ERA SMGは、Black Ops 6Warzoneシーズン2の開始時に歓迎されたリターンを行いました。 It has a high fire rate as well as great mobility and handling, making it excellent at close range. It also has surprisingly decent recoil control for its rate of fire, which can be made even better with attachments like the Vertical Foregrip. In standard Multiplayer, the PPSh-41 can also be fitted with its iconic drum mag for an impressive 55-round capacity.
  • #2. Jackal PDW :Jackal PDWは、2024年9月にゲームのベータ版以来、 Black Ops 6メタの大きな部分を占めています。武器は、優れた機動性、まともな火災率、管理可能な反動を持っています。 Jackal PDWは特定の特性で優れていませんが、その使いやすさと総合的な品質により、Black Ops 6マップとモードごとに素晴らしいオプションになります。
  • #1 KSV : This SMG will remind players of the AK74u from past Call of Duty games. It's recently become a favorite among Ranked Play fans and pros, and it's easy to see why. The KSV shoots fast and moves even faster. It also has clean iron sights and manageable recoil.きれいなベースサイトは余分なアタッチメントのために部屋を出るため、KSVをさらに正確にするか、そのモビリティをBlack Ops 6 Omnimovementにさらに適しています。

Related: How To Unlock the Full Auto Mod in Black Ops 6 & Warzone

The Best SMGs in Black Ops 6 Zombies

SMGs might just be the best weapon type in Black Ops 6 Zombies, aside from Wonder Weapons. The fast mobility and fire rates SMGs offer up can make them super effective at moving around and taking out hordes of the undead. Here are our picks for the best SMGs in Black Ops 6 Zombies.

#4。 Kompakt 92 : The Kompakt 92 shoots incredibly fast while still having a controllable recoil pattern. This makes it a great option for dealing lots of damage to elite enemies like Abominations and Amalgams.

#3 Saug : The Saug is an extremely situational weapon in Black Ops 6 Zombies. What makes this SMG special is its unique Akimbo attachments, allowing players to hipfire two of this SMG at once. This vastly improves DPS. The Saug has potential as an absolute bullet hose up close, pairing great with the Napalm Burst Ammo Mod for added fire damage. Saugの正確なNERFは、Citadelle des Mortsの発売を中心にピークに達していますが、近くでプレーするBlack Ops 6ゾンビのプレイヤーにとってはまだ価値があります。

#2 PPSh-41 : For high capacity SMGs, the PP-919 may still be the top dog.その武器には雑誌には弾薬が多く含まれていますが、パックアパンチには容量が4を掛けるため、PPSHは他のほとんどの方法でPP-919を上回ります。 While it may fall short of its World at War peak, the PPSh is still excellent in Black Ops 6 Zombies. It has an extremely fast fire rate, solid mobility, manageable recoil, and a high-capacity magazine with a good reload time. When combined with Deadshot Daiquiri and its Dead Head Augment, the PPSh has a high DPS against un-armored zombies when aimed at the head.

#1 KSV : Just like in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer, the KSV is dominant in Zombies. Its fast fire rate and solid accuracy give it a very high DPS. When fully upgraded and combined with Deadshot Daiquiri, the KSV can melt through normal zombies and Doppelghasts. Its high mobility also stacks great with Stamin-Up, giving players the ability to outrun and outmaneuver the undead.

And those are the best SMGs in Black Ops 6 .

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