Meet Gira, the long-neck karate boyAssault the Castle with his reckless bravery
Meet Gira, the long-neck karate boy.
Assault the Castle with his reckless bravery!
[ Witnesses ]
“Incredible, but he just dashed towards me!”- Ninja, age 9
“I will never ever forget his forehead...quack!”- Tori, age 3
[ Game Feature ]
-- Gira, the giraffe good at karate.
-- Felis, the desert cat nags all day.
-- Powerful attack to head, chest and leg.
-- Ninja guards without much budget.
-- Delivery Toris that hope to flee.
-- Yummy Onigiris which are fewer than you need.
「流幻」、「ぽかん」by "かずち"
「はりきっちゃう時のテーマ」by "こおろぎ"
これは、あなたがAVOWEDを打ち負かし、クレジットがObsidian Entertainment Fantasy RPGでロールされた後に起こることです。
新しいCapcomビデオゲームMonster Hunter Wildsで恐ろしいBeast Congalaalaを倒してキャプチャする方法は次のとおりです。
未知に挑戦します。悪質なボスを倒し、Ragnarok Idle Adventure Plusコードでストライプを獲得してください!
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