2048 Ultimate ! Extremely fast 2048 game with 3x3 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7 8x8 grid sizes.
2048 number puzzle is one of the cool math games of all times! 2048 mania goes on! 2048 Ultimate is the ultimate version of 2048 game which is optimized for performance and comes with many different board sizes from 3x3 to 8x8!. Bergabunglah dengan angka dan dapatkan ubin 2048!
Extremely addictive number puzzle game 2048. You can login with Google+ to submit your score and compete other 2048 fans all around the world. You can also play in offline mode, in that case your score is not submitted to online scoreboard.
Fitur :
- Many different board sizes, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8!
- Undo last move!
- Flawless gameplay, no lags, extremely fast
- Game is automatically saved
- Keeps track of best score
- Keep playing after reaching 2048 (Optional)
- Online Leaderboard
- Compete with friends
- Clear and simple UI
- Restart new game with confirmation (No more restarts by mistake)
- Very small file size
Game 2048 dimainkan pada grid n × n abu -abu sederhana dengan ubin dengan berbagai warna overlay yang meluncur dengan lancar ketika seorang pemain menggerakkannya. Untuk menggerakkan ubin ke kiri, kanan, ke atas, dan ke bawah cukup geser jari Anda ke arah yang diinginkan. If two tiles of the same number collide while moving, they will merge into a tile with the total value of the two tiles that collided. The resulting tile cannot merge with another tile again in the same move. Ubin skor yang lebih tinggi memancarkan cahaya lembut. Setiap belokan, ubin baru akan secara acak muncul di tempat kosong pada bingkai luar papan dengan nilai 2 atau 4.
A scoreboard on the upper-right keeps track of the user's score. The user's score starts at zero, and is incremented whenever two tiles combine, by the value of the new tile. The user's best score is shown alongside the current score.
The game is won when a tile with a value of 2048 appears on the board, when you merge two 1024 tiles. After reaching the target score, players can continue beyond 2048 and reach to 4096 or further. When the player has no legal moves (there are no empty spaces and no adjacent tiles with the same value), the game ends.
You can watch this video to learn how to win 2048 game and 2048 tips. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6jQ6xqAKOI. Terima kasih!
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Di situs web kami, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengunduh versi terbaru 2048 Ultimate! Tidak perlu registrasi atau SMS!