King of public transit planning!
All-in-one app for public transit
? trip planner (door to door),
⏱️ live departure times (including delays),
? nearby stations (also on a map) and
?️ interactive network plans .
Offi makes use of official time table and connection data of the selected public transit authority! This ensures that disruptions become visible as soon as the transit authority has included them with the data.
The app has no advertisements and doesn't track you ! Offi will use your private data only for providing the requested information and not for other means. The app is open source , free software and is thus a community project .
Supported countries
?? USA (Philadelphia, Chicago)
?? Australia (Sydney, New South Wales)
?? Eropa
?? United Kingdom (TL)
?? Germany (DB)
?? Austria (ÖBB)
?? Italia
?? Belgium (NMBS, SNCB, De Lijn, TEC)
?? Luksemburg
?? Liechtenstein
?? Netherlands (Amsterdam)
?? Denmark (DSB)
?? Sweden (SJ)
?? Norway (Oslo & Bergen)
Supported Cities and Regions
? Chicago (RTA)
? Austin (CMTA, CapMetro)
? Sydney
? London (TfL)
? Birmingham
? Liverpool
? Dubai (RTA)
? Berlin & Brandenburg (BVG, VBB)
? Hamburg (HVV)
? Frankfurt & Rhine-Main (RMV)
? Munich/München (MVV, MVG)
? Augsburg (AVV)
? Schwerin & Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (VMV)
? Rostock (RSAG)
? Kiel, Lübeck & Schleswig-Holstein (nah.sh)
? Hannover & Lower Saxony (GVH)
? Göttingen & South Lower Saxony (VSN)
? Braunschweig (BSVAG)
? Bremen (BSAG)
? Bremerhaven & Oldenburg (VBN)
? Leipzig & Saxony-Anhalt (NASA)
? Dresden (DVB, VVO)
? Chemnitz & Mittelsachsen (VMS)
? Essen, Dortmund, Düsseldorf & Rhine-Ruhr (VRR)
? Cologne/Köln, Bonn (KVB, VRS)
? Lüdenscheid & Märkischer Kreis (MVG)
? Paderborn & Höxter (nph)
? Mannheim & Rhine-Neckar (VRN)
? Stuttgart (VVS)
? Reutlingen & Neckar-Alb-Donau (NALDO)
? Ulm (DING)
? Karlsruhe (KVV)
? Trier (VRT)
? Nuremberg/Nürnberg, Fürth & Erlangen (VGN)
? Würzburg & Regensburg (VVM)
? Strasbourg & Freiburg
? Baden-Württemberg (NVBW)
? Plauen & Vogtland (VVV)
? Vienna/Wien, Lower Austria & Burgenland
? Upper Austria (OÖVV)
? Linz (Linz AG)
? Salzburg
? Innsbruck (IVB)
? Graz & Styria (STV)
? Bregenz & Vorarlberg
? Basel (BVB)
? Lucerne/Luzern (VBL)
? Zurich/Zürich (ZVV)
? Brussels/Brüssel (STIB, MIVB)
? Copenhagen/Kopenhagen (Metro)
? Stockholm (SL)
Dan lebih banyak ...
Description of requested permissions
? Full network access, because Offi needs to query information services for departures and disruptions.
? Location, so Offi can show nearby stations and navigate you from your current location.
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