Desktop, Bisnis, Perdagangan atau Kantor. Kalkulator atau spreadsheet, Anda memutuskan! ▼
Breakthrough application : Calculator or spreadsheet, you decide...
«It is a great android business app that enables you to take advantage of both a calculator as well as a spreadsheet.»
⛔ Currency conversion is no longer available due to the termination of Yahoo Finance's free service.
█▒░ WHAT FOR ?
• sum of many numbers (one per line)
• recalculate after editing any item of the virtual tape (history)
• on every row, add a tax (sales tax,vat, iva) or a discount
• as in a spreadsheet, use a previous result in a new formula (links)
• ⛔ convert the totals in 150 currencies using updated exchange rate
• share your calculations (native, Excel, PDF) or turn them into quotation or invoice !
Versi ini ( gratis ) berisi iklan yang bijaksana tetapi beroperasi kecuali menyimpan data, mengonversi menjadi kutipan dalam format PDF atau impor/ekspor ke Excel (hanya tes).
█▒░ FOR WHOM ?
Sales professionals , (salesman, business manager and dealers):
negotiate your purchases or produce an estimate or a quotation.
Business leaders, chief executives, accountant or traders :
as with a spreadsheet, simulate a cost price, or an estimated budget.
Service providers, craftspeople, self-employed or organizers of shows :
instantly produce on the ground, estimates, quotation or invoice.
Individuals, active or retired :
• you can add a long list of numbers (banks, salary, government, retirement, 401/k plan or income tax)
• manage your expenses or purchases during the sales period with multiple discounts
(3 * 15 - 20% - 10% = 32.40)
• check prices or giving change while traveling abroad.
Architects, landscaper, professionals of building or real estate (masons, painters or carpenters) :
perform easily field measurements (volume and area calculations)
Intendant, steward, paymaster, bursar or commissary : with Calc 1, replace your desktop calculator, manage a stock or do an inventory.
╟── Free (this version)
• Additions (Accounting)
• modification of history
• use a result in an other row (links)
• ⛔ currency converter (150 currencies)
• adding discounts or taxes (sales tax,vat, iva) manual or automatic
• rounding value of the total incl. taxes
• successive taxes or discounts
• can enter variables with [M=] key
• three columns : debit, credit and variables
• powers, roots and fractions in exponential notation
• share copy in PDF format
• offered : "Tip calculation"
• energy-saving (black and white theme)
• no connection required
• memory
• Demo spesifik fungsi versi menengah dan penuh dengan dukungan bahasa Asia Tenggara, kanan ke kiri (RTL) dan digit oriental-arab lokal untuk kutipan PDF.
─╫─ Medium (Business commercial calculator)
♦ All features of the free version
+ no contains ADS
+ save, backup and restore calculations
+ import from Excel spreadsheet 97 - 2003 (xls)
+ ⛔ giving change multi-currency.
──╢ Full (Calculator quotation business)
♦ All features of medium version
+ share quotations in PDF format
+ export to Excel spreadsheet 97-2003 (xls).
• Adding: https://youtu.be/MMbTNkb_Dno
• Modification, debit, currency: http://youtu.be/ELzTVrj07P8
• Parentheses and links: http://youtu.be/632W8Pa1UD8
• Sub-total, discount, tax and copy PDF: http://youtu.be/VFpxlxMz04Q
• Quotation: http://youtu.be/mCtgYYMkmLY
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Inilah cara menemukan dan mendapatkan semua instrumen gelap di game baru seperti naga: bajak laut yakuza di hawaii.
Gunakan set kartu khusus seperti Paket UNO berkat dua puluh satu kode, dan lompat ke pertandingan baru untuk dimainkan untuk bertahan hidup!
Inilah yang harus Anda lakukan untuk merekrut semua anggota kru yang muncul seperti naga: bajak laut Yakuza di Hawaii.
Jika Anda ingin mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari salah satu kartu terbaik dalam cahaya kemenangan di saku Pokemon TCG, berikut adalah deck Garchomp Ex terbaik.
Di situs web kami, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengunduh versi terbaru Accounting calc / spreadsheet! Tidak perlu registrasi atau SMS!