Come and build castles, train military and become immortal legend !
# The 《 Empire Era:The Fallen Land 》 Conçu par le maître de peinture original de Finlande était maintenant disponible à Google Play à Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao, Singapour et Malaisie
Fight against the players all over the world!For the Resource,for the Territory, for the Honor!
——“360°Castel Building,construct unique territory for your own as you will!”
——“3D scene,high definition ,original painting master of Finland participate design to offer Ultimate Visual Experience”
——“Brothers!Beauties!Allies!come to fight together, you are not alone”
——“fight with global players, thousands online at same time, the warm-blooded battles are waiting for you”
——“4 Career,12 Career could be transferred”
【Warrior】——一Come on! No one can compare to my strength!
Can transfer to Blaster 、Paladin or Guardian after Lv.5
【Witch】——Everything are in my control. Did you feel the Shroud of Death.
can transfer to Dark Magician、Raven、Ice Mana after Lv.5
【Hunter】——No one can escape from my Arrows!
Can transfer to Rangers、Demons、Sniper after Lv.5
【Friar】——Like the God to shine and guard my people!
can transfer to Zealot、Prophet、Monk after Lv.5
--------we are very glad to help you to solve any problem!------
# Free to download, you will never be forced to buy anything in game!
#Contacting Email:[email protected]
#Facebook Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/WowWowWar/
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Sur notre site Web, vous pouvez facilement télécharger la dernière version de Empire Era:The Fallen Land! Aucune inscription ni SMS requis !