A first course on C++ based on the book Accelerated C++.
This course is for beginners who want to get started writing programs in C++, taught by Jeremy Siek, a professor at the University of Colorado. No prior knowledge of C++ is assumed. The course is based on the excellent textbook Accelerated C++ by Andrew Koenig and Barbara E. Moo.
Like the textbook, the course quickly dives into problem solving and making use of the C++ standard library, including strings, vectors, and lists. The emphasis is on teaching you the parts of C++ that you will most likely need in your day-to-day programming.
This course is Part 1 of a planned two-part sequence. Part 1 covers the first seven chapters of Accelerated C++, in particular, Chapters 0 through 6. The course consists of six videos of 50-60 minutes each.
- Introduction of C++
- Working with strings and if statements
- Looping and working with batches of data
- Organizing programs
- Organizing data and using sequential containers
- Using library algorithms
- Code Examples
- Lifetime access to 7 lectures and 5.5 hours of content!
- 5+ hours of high quality content
- A community of 14300+ people trying to learn the same thing!
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* Ce que les gens disent à propos de ce cours *
"Explains everything very good, easily understandable, covers a lot of important startup points of c++. Would love a new, bigger tutorial from Jeremy Siek, good teacher"
(Jørgen Kristiansen) ★★★★★
"Explains everything very good, easily understandable, covers a lot of important startup points of c++. Would love a new, bigger tutorial from Jeremy Siek, good teacher"
(Alex Sapsay ) ★★★★★
"Jeremy takes the students through the first steps towards writing c++ programs in a relatively short period of time. His explanations are good and he uses a lot of code examples throughout which illustrate the new concepts he is trying to explain. After this course I am looking forward to starting on more advanced concepts."
( Peter Csoregh) ★★★★★
"Its a great course, I have some books at home, and it was great just listing to him and trying to remember everything. Feel like I'm on the way to fully remembering everything that I've lost due to inactivity."
(William Ljungqvist) ★★★★★
Instructed By: Jeremy Siek | Professor at Indiana University
Jeremy Siek is an Associate Professor at Indiana University Bloomington. Jeremy teaches courses on programming, algorithms, compilers, logic, and mathematics.
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