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Cómo ganar cobre skeyt moneda rápidamente en declarado

Autor: Anónimo Fecha de actualización: 2025-03-27

In true RPG fashion, Avowed has all sorts of items to purchase from Merchants. Here's what you need to know to earn Copper Skeyt currency fast in Avowed and buy whatever your journey calls for.

Cómo funciona la escala de divisas en declarado

Copper Skeyt can spawn as loot throughout the Living Lands in Avowed

Before getting into how to earn currency in Avowed , it's important to note how it scales. In Avowed , each region has its own difficulty, and enemies spawning will be of one of a few levels. Esto es para escalar la dificultad durante todo el juego. As difficulty scales, so will currency.

Higher-difficulty enemies will require higher-tier weapons and armor to kill and protect yourself from. While this higher-tier gear is more expensive, you'll also be awarded more Copper Skeyt for your actions in these higher-difficulty areas. El equipo de nivel superior también se vende por más, lo que puede ayudarlo a mantener el aumento de los costos a lo largo de su juego.

Cómo ganar cobre skeyt moneda en demonios

In Avowed , there are all sorts of methods to earn Copper Skeyt, the currency you'll be earning and spending across the Living Lands. Currency can be earned in many ways. Some enemies will drop Copper Skeyt or other coins, which will be instantly converted to Copper Skeyt. You can also find currency within the world while looting chests and lockboxes. These methods often award valuable gems, which have no other purpose other than to sell to Merchants for Copper Skeyt.

Copper Skeyt is also awarded for completing quests. Many main and side quests award Copper Skeyt. A veces, al completar una misión, también puedes regatear con un NPC para que te paguen una mayor cantidad de moneda, o incluso te darán algunos si no estaban planeando en absoluto. However, many quests will end with NPCs giving the Envoy Copper Skeyt to reward their help.

You can also earn currency by selling items to Merchants in Avowed . Merchants will give the Envoy Copper Skeyt for all sorts of items. You can sell your unused weapons, armor, crafting materials, and more to Merchants to earn money across the Living Lands. That being said, weapons and armor typically award the most Copper Skeyt when sold. The higher the quality and upgrade tier weapons and armor are, the more they are worth.

There are also bounties available for the Envoy to complete across the Living Lands. This side mission type awards decent sums of Copper Skeyt and can often be completed in just a few minutes or less.

Avowed Bounties, Explained

Bounty Master Aldrich at the Bounty Board in Dawnshore in Avowed

The major areas you travel to in Avowed each have their own settlements, and these settlements will have a bounty board. La primera vez que se acerque a una tabla de recompensas en un área determinada, es probable que el NPC le aborde las recompensas en esa área. Once you're done speaking with them, you can start taking bounties.

To take a bounty, simply head to the bounty board and press the interact button to read the posting for each bounty. Una vez que lea la publicación de Bounty, la recompensa se marcará en su mapa. Once you have a bounty or bounties claimed, head to the marked area and kill the target. These are typically either tougher mini-bosses or large camps of enemies.

Cuando matas a tu objetivo u objetivos, se te pedirá que tome un trofeo para demostrar que has matado a la recompensa. These will spawn and be marked as Quest Items, housed within that section of your inventory. Después de haber matado a un objetivo y haber recogido el trofeo, llévelo al NPC que administra la Junta de Bounty. Interact to talk to the NPC and tell them you have a bounty to claim. El trofeo se eliminará de su inventario y recibirá Copper Skeyt para sus servicios.

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The Fastest Way to Earn Copper Skeyt Currency in Avowed

By far, the fastest way to earn Copper Skeyt in Avowed is to sell weapons and armor while prioritizing bounties in your playthrough. La venta de Gear otorga una moneda decente, y a menudo puedes encontrar todo tipo de armas y armaduras innecesarias al saquear el medio ambiente o los cuerpos de los enemigos derrotados. The higher the quality, the more it will sell for.

Unique weapons are another way to get rich quickly. This is where bounties come into play. No solo los recompensas otorgan a Copper Skeyt al finalizar, sino que muchas recompensas asesinadas dejarán caer armas y armaduras únicas. Estos a menudo pueden venderse por mucho más de lo que se le pagó por la recompensa en sí, así que siempre asegúrese de verificar por armas y armaduras únicas después de matar una recompensa.

And that's how to earn Copper Skeyt currency fast in Avowed .

AVOWEDRELEAST en PC y Xbox el 18 de febrero.