Real-Time 3D Simulation of Submarine.- Sink Battleship, Aircraft-carrier
1. Características
1) Real-Time 3D Simulation
Every elements are realized in real-time 3d simulation world.
2) Enjoyable Game in a short time
Every parameter are configured for enjoyable user
3) Focused on your tactics
Player's tactics is very important to win this submarine
2. How to operate your submarine
Detail information is showed in the manual page.
Important functions which are directly connected with
your victories will be introduced below.
1) Game Screen Structure
Half of the tops have the Map Screen which overlooks
the battlefield from the top.
Your submarine is indicated at the center of the map.
It is blinking when your submarine is cruising underwater.
Half of the bottoms have a submarine screen, which
displays external submarine view on the sea or underwater.
2) Enemy Fleet Information; Screen top right corner
The Enemy fleet constitution is stated clearly.
Please confirm the number of Aircraft carrier, Battleship
and Destroyer.
Your main target are enemy's Aircraft carriers and
Destroyers's role is Fleet escort and Antisubmarine attack.
3) Watch View Control
This is Dream Observation Machine of Submarine.
You can widely see the state on the sea from the sky even if
your submarine is diving in the deep sea.
Move this stick up, you can see it.
For your victory, it is important to know which direction the
enemy fleet comes from.
You are recommended to get used to utilize this function
4) Depth Control
This panel controls the depth of your submarine.
There are 3 depth for your battle.
#1: On the Sea surface : 0m
#2: Depth for Torpedo launch : 13m
#3: Deep Depth for hiding : 100m
This equipment is designed for your easy and smooth
changing the depth.
Since the quick depth change is a key for your victory, you
are recommended to get used to utilize this function well.
5) Torpedo Fire Switch
There are both switches of the front torpedo tube and the
backward torpedo tube.
For your efficient attack, you should utilize the backward
3. The Condition that your submarine is detected
1) When your submarine surfaces; Always detected precisely
2) When your submarine's speed is faster than 50%.
3) When your submarine is damaged; Always detected
4) When there is the destroyer near your submarine and it
uses a sonar equipment.
Periodically detected according to the depth of your
When your submarine dives under 80m, the destroyer
cannot detect your submarine.
5) When your submarine launches a torpedo; En este momento,
detected precisely.
6) When your torpedoes are detected, the fleet starts the
torpedo avoidance navigation.
4. Tips for your tactics
It becomes the necessary condition to victory to evade an enemy destroyer.
The followings are tips for your tactics.
1) Hide from the enemy destroyer
If your submarine doesn't launch torpedoes and is staying
in the deep sea which is deeper than 80m, the destroyer
cannot find it.
This is a start-point for your tactics.
- Escaping from Destroyers and approaching aircraft
carriers and battleship
- Rapid surface and fire torpedoes to the targets
- Dive rapidly to the safe deep sea again
This is "Hit and Run" tactics.
2) Confine the enemy destroyer
- In detail, please read a manual page in this app.
3) Sink the enemy destroyer
- In detail, please read a manual page in this app.
5. Conclusión
We believe that the amazing spectacle battle of submarine is established.
Please enjoy this real-time simulation of battle of submarine.
Null City Realtime Simulations;
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