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G-Protector Anti Virus Utility (The original name is called APK Anti-Virus Bodyguard) is an innovation Android device security and protection application. It is integrated with some featured functions and system utilities to make your device safety and reliable , including the anti-virus, APP Lock, Secret Cloud storage, Diagnosis Master and performance optimization.
█ With G-Protector , you can
☆ Scan APK before you install it
☆ Detect any damage software in real-time
☆ User report system to report any unknown threat and view the statistical report
☆ Diagnostic analysis applications to find out the application sensitive opearation
☆ APP Lock allows you to lock your private applications
☆ Secret Cloud to store your confidential encrypted data and files
☆ Performance Optimization can be one-click cleanup system cache and memory
☆ Diagnosis Master make you check the Battery Usage, Process Memory, APP, APK analysis
█ Virus Test
☆ You can download the G-Protector Virus test file from our website at the following link,
█ Featured Function
☆ Security Installer
When you click the APK files from the other file explorer, you can use the "Security Installer" to scan the APK before install it.
☆ Real-Time Protection Engine
To scan and analysis the suspicious application, a source code analysis engine to protect the unknown threat even you don't upgrade the protection database. You can also setup the protection level based on your favor, like you can focus on the personal information protection.
☆ User Report System
The user report system lets the users to report the application status, like suspicious, slow performance, abnormal battery consumption, you can also read the statistics to understand the unknown application if it has any threat or not.
☆ APP Diagnostic
APP Diagnostic also called by APP Privacy Admin, it can help you find out the application privacy access and operation analysis.
☆ APP Lock
A full Android APP Lock design with "Safe Zone", "Anti-Uninstall", "Password Recovery" features, you can lock any application with the simple PIN code.
☆ Secret Cloud
The Secret Cloud is a security information storage on the Internet, all data is encrypted by your personal key with AES-256 technique, we don't save your private key, it only had decrypted in your Android device. The Secret Cloud is designed for the password, band or sensitive information. You can select the category and use the mirror column to store your secret data.
* All connections are protected by SSL and even If someone has your encrypted data, it is impossible to crack it without a Super Computer and million cost, because the encrypted data is not reversible if you set the proper password to protect it.
☆ Performance Optimize
A one-click performance optimize feature can let users to improve the device performance without any pain. It will free the unnecessary memory and clean the storage cache to free more space.
☆ Task Explorer
Make you to view the running process and kill it,
☆ Power Explorer
Make you to view the application power consumption report from G-Protector online database.
☆ Easy and Simple GUI
☆ Support from Android 1.5 ~ Android 4.3
☆ 100% NO 3rd-party AD
█ Edición gratuita
The software is a free edition; some features are only available in Professional edition. If you like the software, you can buy the Professional edition life-time license via Google Play in-app billing to support our development.
GUI SOURCE, icons8, yankoa.deviantart
█ Palabra clave
G Protector, GProtector, G-Protector, antivirus, Anti-Virus, GPCSOFT, Protector, APP Diagnostic, Privacy Admin, APP Lock, Locker, Password Manager, Password Box, Bodyguard, Security, Task Killer, Task Manager, Power Manager, Battery Manager, APP Master
2013-NOV-12 v1.0.5
ADD: new feature, "APP Permission Control" (Android 4.3 only)
MODIFY: fix a scan stuck issue on some devices
2013-NOV-09 v1.0.4
MODIFY: fix a force close issue on some devices
2013-NOV-08 v1.0.3
MODIFY: the locked items cannot saved issue
MODIFY: mirror bugs fixed
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