The application which helps you track of all routes you have climbed.
How many rock climbing routes have you climbed? and your hardest sent route? What's your average rock climbing grade?
climbdroid will help you answer these questions, and keep track of all (rock climbing, alpinism, trad, ice climbing) routes you have climbed. As detailed as you wish. It will also give you the option of having at hand the topos of the crags and sectors you usually visit, or find new ones.
And for the most demanding climbers, the repeats watch. Use it to perform stretching, pull ups, sit ups, push ups, or any workout you can imagine.
Don't hesitate to contact us with any doubt or question, we'll try to help you the best we can:
support@ climbdroid .com - www. climbdroid .com
- Registration of rock climbing routes, indicating if you have sent it or not.
- Topos browser.
- Technical card of the route: crag, sector, rating, height, gear needed, photo, etc...
- General map and GPS position of the routes, sectors and crags.
- Publish to Facebook: maximum rock climbing grade tried, best rated route, etc
- Repeats watch. With option to save multiple configurations, and voices/sounds to indicate the start and end of every repeat.
- Data backup.
- Translated to Basque, English, Spanish and French.
If you find a bug, please, don't hesitate to drop me an email with the needed steps to reproduce the problem. I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.
support@ climbdroid .com - http://www.climbdroid.com/bloga/contact/
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¡En nuestro sitio web puedes descargar fácilmente la última versión de climbdroid! ¡No es necesario registrarse ni enviar SMS!