Exotic Birds Slots will fly you through nature to see the most exotic birds.
Are you a bird lover? Dann machen Sie sich bereit, den Flügel zu nehmen. Be prepared to be stunned. And just when you thought it couldn't get any better – these birds will have you scoring MEGA WINS! So swipe, Download and Play NOW!
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Did you know that there are about 10,000 different species of birds in the world? And that scientists believe birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs? Birds are incredible animals and they are so much fun to watch – they are gorgeous!
Let's take a look at some of the birds that enjoy playing multi-line slots as much as we do! First, the Eclectus Parrot. This parrot is most commonly found playing slots in the Solomon Islands and in New Guinea. They love playing slots in the rainforest and can fly as high as 1,000 meters!
Next is the Scarlet Macaw. Scarlet, which is what we call her for short, lives in Central and South America. This colorful parrot prefers undisturbed rainforests while playing slots! Scarlet is unique indeed, one interesting fact about scarlet is that she likes to eat unripe fruits, which most animal avoid!
If you love HD graphics, HD sound, free perks and the best themed exotic bird slots available, then this is the slot for you. This exotic bird slot will have you feeling like you're making a killing while appreciating your favorite winged friends. Use your wildcards to bring more birds. Laden Sie jetzt herunter und spielen Sie jetzt! FREI!
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