Cat breeds interesting facts quiz questions cat pictures cat names brainiac game
Do you love cats and you like playing quiz games? Then, a quiz game about cats is the perfect picture quiz for you. Cats Quiz – All about Cats is the collection of prettiest cat pictures with four offered answers. Choose the correct answer and guess the cat in picture. Answer interesting trivia questions, choose the correct answer out of four offered. Guess the cat names as fast as you can and get to the top of leaderboard. Show everyone how much you like cats and what a great connoisseur you are. Look carefully and think fast, prepare your nimble fingers. The faster you answer, the more points you get! This cute quiz game seems easy, but be careful, it could easily turn out to be the “impossible game” or “the hardest game in the world”. Download Cats Quiz – All about Cats, have fun and learn some new cat breeds!
✔✘ 5 levels of difficulty in the endless cats quiz “trivia questions and answers”
✔✘ choose one of the offered answers and do it fast, the clock is ticking
✔✘ give the answer quickly and win extra points for being fast
✔✘ be careful not to make three errors in a row or else you'll have to start over
✔✘ try to collect as many coins as you can, and you can buy an extra try when you make three mistakes
✔✘ log in with Facebook and win free coins, check the leaderboard and beat the high score
Do you prefer a fun “picture quiz” over “general knowledge quizzes”? Do you like kittens and talking cat games? If your answer is yes, you will love Cats Quiz - All about Cats . Ein lustiges Bild -Quiz kann genauso herausfordernd sein wie Gehirnteaser, Tests über interessante Fakten, allgemeine Wissensquiz, Rätsel, Quiz über Wunder der Welt und andere. They are all designed to test your intelligence, logic and education. These cool games bring intelligent satisfaction and validation. Winning a general knowledge quiz or a picture quiz will alike be satisfying for your competitive spirit. Knowledge is power, feel the adrenaline rush! Challenge your friends to a quiz duell!
Get to know all “cat breeds” in the world. This is a perfect quiz game for every cat lover. How well do you know cat breeds? This “what kind of cat do I have quiz” will make you think hard to guess every breed. Sie werden problemlos Persische Katze, Sphynxkatze, russische Blau und Bengalische Katze erkennen, aber wie wäre es mit Ragdoll, schottischer Fold, britischem Shorthair oder exotischer Kurzhaar. Can you make distinctions among Siberian cat, Himalayan cat, Devon Rex, Egyptian Mau and Burmese cat? Which is Abyssinian cat and which one Pixie-bob or Korat? Do you know which cat is Maine Coon? Can you distinguish between Chartreux and Chausie? How about Turkish Angora and Turkish Van? Can you recognize Savannah cat or Norwegian Forest cat when you see one?
“ Cats Quiz - All about Cats ” will introduce you to all cat breeds you did not know. From Ocicat, Manx cat, Snowshoe cat to Selkirk Rex and Nebelung, you'll know them all. Machen Sie eine Verbindung zwischen "Katzenbildern" und "Katzennamen" mit Cats Quiz - All about Cats Sie werden definitiv "alles über Katzen lernen". Answer some interesting trivia questions and learn new interesting facts about cats. Meet exotic animals and “exotic cats” with this entertaining quiz game.
Cats Quiz - All about Cats is a game suitable for adults and older kids. It can be an excellent learning game for kids with lost of interesting facts, or a great brain trainer for every quiz wiz out there! The best “brain games” are entertaining and educational at the same time. Don't miss the opportunity to get a free download like this. If you like brain teasers, answering multiple choice questions and riddles, you will love Cats Quiz - All about Cats ! Download it for free now, quizup and conquer the top of the leaderboard!
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