UV Light is a free simulated blacklight lamp for your Android screen.
Let the screen of your Android smartphone or tablet shade in an ultraviolet light. Use this UV light app to simulate the color of a real blacklight.
تم تشغيله ، تعمل الشاشة كما لو أنها ستنتج ضوءًا أسودًا حقيقيًا ، لكنه لا ، لأن هذا لا يغطي طيف اللون من نطاق الأشعة فوق البنفسجية الحقيقية. As a simulation, you can use this application with it purple animation, to have a lot of fun on parties or prank your friends.
One click is enough and the simulated black light is turned on. With another, you switch off the UV lamp. The switching process is accompanied acoustically. This supports the illusion of a proper fluorescent tube. To simulate a higher brightness, a total of three light sources are shown. During use, the screen brightness is adjusted to 100 percent. After that, it will be moved back to normal, so the batterylife is protected.
If you like the app, please rate it positive in Play Store. However, always keep in mind that this is explicitly marked as simulated and not real UV light with a fluorescent effect.
Behalte jedoch stets im Hinterkopf, dass es sich hierbei explizit um simuliertes und keine echtes UV Licht mit fluoreszierender Wirkung handelt. This is technically impossible with a conventional cell phone screen.
Write me an email if you find a bug. سأحاول إصلاحه في أقرب وقت ممكن. Do feature requests also on the same way.
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