Tomb of the Aztec Slots ! ميجا يفوز ودورات مجانية!
Be aware of the Tomb of the Aztec! صحيح ، هناك الكثير من الذهب يمكن العثور عليه! But don't forget about Montezuma and his revenge! No amount of money in the world is worth his revenge! However, the thrill of Aztec slots will make it all worthwhile!
ميزات اللعبة
► Treasure trove MEGA wins!
► 20 فتحات بكرة واختيارك لعدد الخط!
► عملة مكافأة مجانية وعجلة جائزة محظوظة كل 4 ساعات
► Hand drawn HD graphics, Aztec HD sound
► المستوى لأعلى: العملات المعدنية المجانية ، المزيد من الخطوط ، رهان أكبر!
► Double Down on your slot machine wins with Cortez!
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► Boost your fortune with boost multiplier!
► Get wild in the jungle Wildcards
► هل تريد المزيد من الألعاب الرائعة والتطبيقات الرائعة؟ تحقق من ألعابنا الأخرى
► واجهة المستخدم متعددة اللغات: فتحات مجانية عبر الإنترنت بلغتك!
Legend tells of a great kingdom in the uncharted lands of the New World! Are ready to join the explorers in search of the famed Aztec Empire? If so, don't forget your slots and get ready to sail!
There in the distance, that is an Aztec pyramid! That is where they would bury their royal families! According to Aztec lore, they would bury their royal family with enough gold to be incredibly wealth in the world to come! Let's check it out!
This seems dangerous! I want to find the money and the gold, but it's really dark in here. What if there are demons or spirits of the fallen Aztec people. Don't worry you'll be fine. Let's just find the secret treasure! Okay, if you insist! Wow, look at all of that gold!
You can't help but play Tomb of the Aztec Slots ! The sound of the slots and the desire for secret treasure are just too alluring. This dangerous, multi-line slot game will keep you captivated for hours. Prime HD graphics and awesome HD sound will draw you in. Download and play now! حر!
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