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Police Chase Criminals:Getaway is the mission of chasing Mafia and Robbers
Police Chase Criminals:Getaway has police missions in crime town that have stolen precious goods in a dubai city. Dubai police are on duty to bring criminals to justice that are trying to getaway. They drive very fast. Dubai police car driver is chasing bandits in this crime town. Chase robbers in fast vehicles to complete mission in the urban city. One of the best police car chase simulation on the store.
Police Chase Criminals:Getaway is cop drive simulation experience with real machine guns installed on the cops cars. Multiple cops car chase mission in the game. Criminal gangsters will try to getaway in fast sports cars but dont let them getaway. Chase the criminals.
Dubai police drivers are on duty missions to chase criminals and gangsters. Cops chase gangsters with fast cars in crime town. You are a skilled fast driver. Do not let the criminals getaway. Win the case mission to unlock higher levels in crime town to chase more robbers. More mission are coming soon in the updates. Enjoy and stay tuned
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