The sexiest Poker Dice is back with more fun, more bets and more hot babes!
“A ton of fun and a lot of scantily clad babes!” ~ SmoothReviews
“Simple, addictive and just super sexy“ ~ Appreviewme
يا هناك وسيم! Wanna have some fun with the hottest babes? Then look no further as Foxy Yatzy - Erotic Babes is the game for you! Tons of hotties are waiting for you, don't keep these hot babes waiting!
**Great Rewards & Huge Payouts**
**Download the BEST YATZY game FOR FREE!**
**The more you play, the more bonus coins you will get**
Foxy Yatzy - Erotic Babes is a fun and addictive dice game/classic board game for Yatzy lovers. The best casino experience with sexy girls/hotties in a bikini theme makes this game very enjoyable and exciting.
It is consist of 13 rounds, with 3 rolls per hand to form a maximum of 13 possible combinations. في كل جولة ، يحصل اللاعبون على DICE الخمسة المحظوظين ، يمكنه/يمكنه الاحتفاظ بأي نرد لإكمال مجموعة ومواصلة إعادة ترحيل الزهر المتبقي. Players must find a place to score in one of the 13 categories in each round. If the final combination (after three rolls) of dice doesn't fit in any of the 13 categories, players will score a '0' marks for that round. Therefore, skill and judgement is required in this poker type game so that you don't run out of rolls. الدرجات الفائزة من خلال إنشاء أفضل يد بوكر: 3 من نوع ، 4 من نوع ، مستقيمة ، وهكذا ... دعونا نضع مهارة البوكر التي لديك للاختبار أمام هؤلاء السيدات المثيرات!
Great new FEATURES include:
- 13 rounds, 3 rolls per hand
- 13 Poker hand categories
- 5 dice International (Similar to Yahtzee)
- 5 dice combination/multiple combination
- High quality and realistic sexy lingerie girl graphics
- Erotic hotties and lingerie girls galore!
- Play offline, no internet connection needed
- Online Leaderboards (Highscores/Top Ranks)
- Top rankings across the globe
- Multiple achievements (unlock for more fun)
- Resume game (you can exit & resume at any time)
- Bragging rights on social media!
- دعم متعدد اللاعبين
- Play against anyone in the world
- تحدي أصدقائك على Facebook لمعرفة من هو البطل
- Includes multiple challenging scoring categories to maximize your scores across the globe.
★ كيف تلعب ★
Rules of the game and instructions are included in the game.
ماذا تنتظر؟ Come and experience this erotic and sexy hotties excitement that you have never experienced before. تحميل الآن !!! Join the Yatzy community today!
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