بغض النظر عن خداع السبورة السرعة! Exhilarating speedy action!
Sequel to the popular app "chalk dash" appeared! !
سلسلة الطباشير الرابعة! " Chalk Kart "! ! !
I will to lead by drawing a line with chalk, a Kart that runs the blackboard!
It is the game more quickly this time.
The givin a line with chalk on the blackboard by touching and sliding the screen.
I will manipulate a Kart using the chalk well.
The Beware because it becomes game over or fall off the screen, once hitting the thorn!
World Ranking is equipped!
Aim for the top of the world very chalk! !
※ ranking data in the server is reset on a regular basis.
※ The ranking function and Lobi chat, there is likely to be deleted without notice.
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