No.1 FREE Multiplayer Bluff / 420 Card Game!
Join the world's most popular Bluff Multiplayer Game and play live with thousands of real players. Playing Bluff / 420 Multiplayer with friends, family, and millions of players worldwide has never been easier!
420 - The Multiplayer Bluff is a card game where the players aim to get rid of all of their cards. It is a game of deception, with cards being played face-down and players being permitted to lie about the cards they have played. عادةً ما يصادف اللاعبون من قبل اللاعبين الذين ينادون اسم اللعبة ، ويجب أن يلتقط خاسر التحدي جميع البطاقات في الوسط.
ميزات اللعبة:
Extreme User Friendly: Easy and refreshing interface.
Play With Your Friends: Locate your friends and join their table with a simple click of a button.
Play with Real Peoples: No robots like other Poker game. العب مع اللاعبين الحقيقيين فقط في أي مكان في العالم.
Private Table: Create Private Tables and play with only invited players.
Chat & Gift: Live in-game chat and exchange gifts and have lots of fun.
Stand Up: You watch the game playing by other users.
Works Fast On Slow Internet: Works smoothly on slow Internet connection even like 2G, auto reconnect in network interruption.
Play your way to top the Leader boards!
Initial Chips: Download now and get 5000 chips FREE!
Facebook Bonus: Create game account with Facebook and get extra Chips FREE!
Daily Free Chips: Get more free bonus chips than any other Poker game.
Weekly Winner Chips: Get Millions Chips on every week by participating on Weekly Contest!
اتصل بنا:
للإبلاغ عن أي مشكلات مع الاستخدام أو أخبرنا كيف يمكننا تحسينها ، يمكنك إرسال رسالة لنا من خيار ملاحظات اللعبة أو الكتابة إلى [email protected].
Please Note: In the Bluff Multiplayer game you win or lose chips. The chips have no real cash value. The game does not involve real gambling. إنه مجاني تمامًا. If you lose all your free chips, you can buy more chips to play. الممارسة أو النجاح في الألعاب الاجتماعية لا تعني النجاح في المستقبل في مقامرة المال الحقيقي.
أي اقتراحات؟ We always love to hear from you and making this App better.
اكتشف أفضل بنيات مبكرة في معلنة لزيادة إمكانات شخصيتك والسيطرة على اللعبة منذ البداية.
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