Topo maps & aerial maps to plan hiking trips, outdoor & camping adventures
Explore like never before. MyTopo Maps is a mapping and trip planning app to organize all your outdoor and backroad adventures.
View more than 68,000 topo maps in US and Canada. Also, check out aerial, terrain, street and hybrid maps. Mark points, find places and store all your trip info on the Trip Cloud, a wireless service that allows you to access your trips on any device.
*** Note: This app is designed for the Android tablets. Got an Android phone? Try Trimble Outdoors Navigator, our in-the-field navigation app. ***
This app is BEST FOR: Scouting trails, exploring parks, planning outdoor vacations, viewing backcountry areas on topo maps and aerial photos, finding forest roads and campsites, preplanning hiking trails, snowshoeing routes, backcountry skiing sessions, camping and ATV offroad trips
• عرض خمسة أنواع مختلفة من الخرائط: الشوارع ، الهجين ، الجوي ، Topo والتضاريس.
• MyTopo Maps provides the most up-to-date topos maps available in the United States. We have enhanced more than 14,000 USGS quads with digital updates from the US Forest Service and other map providers.
• Access more than 68,000 topo maps in US and Canada that are seamlessly stitched together for fast and easy viewing. Scales Topos هي 1: 24k في أقل 48 ، 1: 63k في ألاسكا و 1: 50k في كندا.
• See two maps at once. No single map type has all the essential details to plan a trip. So turn on Dual Map View and fade between two different map types.
• View aerial imagery from Bing maps.
• Upgrade to Pro to create map packs to store maps on your phone. This app allows you to save topos (MyTopo), aerials (Bing), streets (OSM), and terrain (OCM) map types on your phone.
Place Search: Use our search to find more than 10 million places. Trails, peaks, lakes, rivers, ghost towns and more.
Ruler: Measure the distance between two points.
Smart Paste: Copy GPS coordinates from websites and instantly map their locations into MyTopo Maps .
Waypoints: Drag waypoints on to the map. Name them and add descriptions.
Coordinates: Match your latitude/longitude or UTM coordinates to your paper map or GPS device. Supported map datum: WGS84 and NAD27.
Digital Compass: Press the mini-compass to overlay a large digital compass on the map.
Custom Paper Map: Order a waterproof custom printed topo map or aerial image directly through our app with just a few taps of a button. Printed and shipped by MyTopo.com within 24 hours.
** احفظ إلى سحابة الرحلة **
قم بتسجيل حساب مجاني لحفظ رحلاتك الخارجية إلى سحابة رحلةنا. تشمل الفوائد:
• تخزين ونسخ احتياطية رحلات غير محدودة. لا تفقد الملفات مرة أخرى.
• Auto-sync trips between your computer, mobile phone and your Android tablet.
• Enhance trips planned in MyTopo Maps with more map tools at TrimbleOutdoors.com, including .gpx import, geotagged photos and videos, turn-by-turn routes and more. (يتطلب العضوية)
• Open trips in our mobile navigation app, Trimble Outdoors Navigator. Learn more: http://get.it/trimbleoutdoors/8oUv
• Share trips with the Trimble Outdoors community or privately between outdoor friends.
** يتعلم أكثر **
قم بزيارة موقعنا على الويب وتحقق من الآلاف من الرحلات المقدمة من مجتمع Trimble Outdoors. انقر فوق إلى: TrimbleOutDoors.com.
Note: This version of MyTopo Maps is designed and optimized for Android tablets. Please note your device must have a GPS chip to show your exact location on a map. يمكن أن يؤدي الاستخدام المستمر لنظام تحديد المواقع العالمي (GPS) في الخلفية إلى تقليل عمر البطارية بشكل كبير.
إليك قائمة كاملة بجميع الوحوش في الريبو وكيف يمكنك قتلها أو الهروب منها عندما تصطدم بها في اللعبة.
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يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من MyTopo Maps! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!