All your photos: from a lifetime to a timeline
You have scattered digital photos, and a busy life. Ivy Gallery is an app that's setting out to organize a life's worth of digital photos - from a lifetime to a timeline. تقوم Ivy بسحب صورك من كل مكان يتم تخزينها - Box و Box و Instagram والعديد من الخدمات الأخرى ، بالإضافة إلى جهازك المحمول - ويسقطها على الجدول الزمني البسيط وسهل الاستخدام ، حيث يتم تنظيمها بطريقة سحرية في أحداث ، وتم تجميعها بشكل فني ، ويمكن مشاركتها بشكل خاص مع الأصدقاء المحددين.
✓ "BEST GALLERY APP EVER! I love this."
✓ "Wonderful concept and much, much better than any other cloud-based gallery out there!"
✓ "Just what one needed to share millions of archived and forgotten photos in a smart way!"
✓ "…much better way to access Dropbox galleries...it presents them in a beautiful and intuitive way!"
—Reviews from Beta (previously named Phostalgia) users
☆ All in one. جميع صورك ، من Dropbox / Box / Instagram / Picasa / Flickr / SkyDrive / Google Drive ، جهاز محلي ، بالإضافة إلى صور من الأصدقاء ، إلى جدول زمني واحد.
☆ Smart. Photos magically organized into Events.
☆ Artistic. Photos laid out not in grids, but in collages.
Photos on local device
• Even without an account or Internet access, you can still use Ivy to view and organize local photos, without the need to upload them.
• Your local photos stay local and private. We won't upload, share or post them without your permission.
Photos on Dropbox / Box / Instagram / Picasa / Flickr / SkyDrive / Google Drive
• يقوم خادم Ivy بسحب الصور من Dropbox / Box / Instagram / Picasa / Flickr / SkyDrive / Google Drive ، ثم يقدم الصور إلى معرض Ivy بحجم محسّن. من هنا:
- Consumes much less mobile data;
- Launches faster, for only need to contact Ivy server rather than all services;
- Has smaller footprint, for we can support more services without adding much code to the gallery.
• Photos stay private. We won't share/post them without your permission.
• Soon to support Facebook, Instagram, Flickr and more.
Photos from friends
• New in v1.3! Instantly save shared photos to your Cloud Storages, at ORIGINAL resolution.
• Create a Share and add/invite selected Members. Members add their photos in, for each other to view, download (at original resolution) and comment on.
• Not only from Ivy Gallery, but also from Ivy website, can Members view and contribute photos.
• Non-registered (but invited with a secret link) Members can still view photos on Ivy website.
• iPhone friends and friends on other platforms, all together. No more nagging friends to send you photos. No more taking the same group photo on multiple phones.
- Free and ad-free, all-in-one gallery.
- Smart photo manager. Automatically or manually organizing photos into events.
- Elegant photo browser. Artistically collaging photo thumbnails and smoothly scrolling through them.
- Elastic photo sharing. Privately sharing selected photos with selected Members who shared the moment.
-البطارية والبيانات المحمولة الصديقة ، مع 1) التخزين المؤقت المتقدم وتقنيات الطلب عند الطلب 2) تقديم الصور إلى المعرض بحجم محسّن للأجهزة.
- Gallery running in offline mode on local photos and local cached data.
- Gallery running in guest mode (without a registered account) as a local gallery to browse/view/organize/manage local photos.
- Selecting (tap-and-hold supported) and operating on multiple photos at a time.
- Linking unlimited number of Dropbox / Box / Instagram / Picasa / Flickr / SkyDrive / Google Drive accounts.
- Specifying folders/albums to pull from Dropbox / Box / Instagram / Picasa / Flickr / SkyDrive / Google Drive.
- Showing your favorite photos on the gallery cover, and hiding the rest instead of deleting them.
- Matching registered Members with your Contacts and Facebook friends (with your permission).
- Messaging/commenting in Shares.
- Viewing and contributing shared photos on Ivy website, as well as on Ivy Gallery.
v1.4.2 - April 24, 2014
* Fixing a fatal crash issue on some devices
* Fixing an issue that cannot open large photos
* Fixing the "gray box" issue
* Performance improvements
إليك قائمة كاملة بجميع الوحوش في الريبو وكيف يمكنك قتلها أو الهروب منها عندما تصطدم بها في اللعبة.
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يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من Ivy Gallery, all photos in one! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!