التقاط صور HDR عالية الجودة بدقة كاملة. Vivid colors and rich detail
HDR Camera grew up into A Better Camera - all-purpose, full featured camera for Android! 11 shooting modes, full camera control.
Get A Better Camera NOW!
Take pictures with vivid colors and rich detail! The best High Dynamic Range camera application. 13.5 million photos a year are taken with HDR Camera !
- Full resolution
- Take HDR image in one tap
- HDR image fused and tone-mapped on device within seconds
- Don't have to be rock-solid while shooting
- Correct handling of moving objects and de-ghosting
- You can control tone-mapping parameters: contrast, micro-contrast, color vividness, exposure
- Save original exposure bracketed images
More features in paid version: http://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.almalence.hdr_plus
- تكبير
- Adjust tone mapping parameters on-the-fly
- Geo tagging
- Flash control
- Shutter mute (on some models)
Every two seconds someone in the world takes a photo with HDR Camera! Join us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/mobilehdr and on Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1820156@N20
Real life scenes often have a wide range of light intensity, which cannot be captured by a camera. In a photo of such a scene the bright areas look washed out and everything in shadows is pictured as a black spot with no details. The HDR technique allows you to capture details in bright and dark areas and have them merged in a single photo.
HDR photography is widely adopted by professional photographers. Wouldn't it be nice to have an HDR in mobile phones?
The problem is that HDR requires taking several differently exposed images in series, which must be precisely aligned and then fused. من أجل أن تكون قابلة للاستخدام في مشاهد الحياة الحقيقية ، يجب أن تتضمن ميزة HDR نقل الكشف عن الكائنات والتعويضات اليدوية لتجنب أو تقليل الظلال في الصورة النهائية. That requires a lot of computational resources and makes a challenge even for professional desktop HDR software.
Almalence has brought its expertise in professional HDR software to mobile phones. Our HDR fusion algorithms compensate hand shaking and detect moving objects in the scene, suppressing ghosting artifacts. At the same time, the algorithms are quick enough to provide comfortable processing time on mobile devices.
Additional info and facts
* Available for iOS/iPhone/iPad as well.
* Human eye has a built-in HDR-like processing which increases effective dynamic range nearly 10,000 times!
* Painters such as van Gogh used techniques similar to Tone Mapping
version 2.42
- minor corrections
version 2.41
- Android 5 support
version 2.40
- إصلاحات الاستقرار
- Turkish added
version 2.39
- stability fixes for Android kitkat
- vf brightness fixed on some devices
version 2.38
- new lightweight UI
- إصلاحات الاستقرار
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يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من HDR Camera! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!