GPS Tracker. ابحث عن شخص. إرسال المنبه. موقع GPS.
GPS Tracker Location
Program: Ant Mobile Light - designed to find loved ones on the phone geoolokatsii. The same program can be used to track the couriers, car and so on.
Company Website: wwww.iscv.ru
Support: [email protected]
Center: www.antlive.ru (mobile version - www.antlive.ru/mobile - the phone will switch on automatically)
One of a series of programs Ant Mobile (Light / Dark / Red)
This version features:
1) Track phone in hidden mode
2) Search on the map
3) Multiple times pressing the Power - alarming
4) The alarm has a server can be sent to one or more people through the following channels
a) In the control center
b) to e-mail
c) By SMS
g) Voice call with speech synthesis
d) WhatsApp
5) The program has many options
a) You can set the mode Vehicle / Pedestrian
b) In what way and how to get the coordinates by GPS, via GSM towers
c) Setting Mode: Active and Sleep
g), and more
6) If there is no connection, the program records the track's internal memory and then transferred to a server
The complex program consists of 2 parts:
1) The mobile part - is on the phone and turns it into a mobile tracker
2) The server side - web server which attracts all the data
When you log in to the Ant Mobile, you create a personal account, which you can access through the site: www.antlive.ru
إذا كنت ترغب في توصيل هاتف محمول آخر ، فما عليك سوى إدخال اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور في برنامج ANT Mobile في المدخل (وليس التسجيل الجديد).
سيقوم البرنامج تلقائيًا بتسجيل هاتف جديد في حسابك الشخصي وضبطه تلقائيًا حتى تتلقى إشعارات تنبيه إلى مركز الإرسال والبريد الإلكتروني.
In your personal account, you can:
1) Remote control your phone
2) phone view on the map
3) Create different geographical areas
4) Set up the different alert (for example: if the battery is less than 30%, send SMS, or if the object came out of the zone, send mail and SMS)
5) Set up the various actions (for example: if the speed is more than 80km / h, the alarm switch)
6) View the history of motion
7) Create reports
8) Keep notes by phone
9) Create other users
10) Pay for all services can be remotely or in terminals QIWI
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