قارن أسعار وقوف السيارات للعثور على أفضل الصفقات. Save hundreds of dollars.
BestParking helps you find and book parking at the best price. سواء كنت تبحث عن مواقف للخصم بالقرب من مكتبك في وسط المدينة أو ترغب في العثور على أفضل مواقف للسيارات في المطار قبل رحلتك ، يمكنك حجز مساحة مريحة مع تطبيق BestParking.
How BestParking Works
• Search for a parking spot where and when you need it. Enter your destination by address, landmark name or neighborhood to see available spaces nearby.
• Compare prices up-front at thousands of garages and lots. Pick the best option for you and save money.
• Reserve a spot at select garages and lots with a few quick taps and pay with your smartphone. Browse thousands more parking facilities for pricing and amenity info.
• Get turn-by-turn driving directions to your space. BestParking links directly to your favorite navigation app.
• After reserving a space, enter your garage or lot easily with your digital parking pass and park your car in seconds.
Find and reserve parking in cities across North America, including:
New York City (Manhattan)
سان فرانسيسكو
Los Angeles
New Orleans
San Diego
Washington DC
Book airport parking at major airports including:
Los Angeles (LAX)
Chicago (ORD)
Newark (EWR)
New York (JFK)
Dallas (DFW)
Toronto (YYZ)
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