Voice, photo, video messenger. Personal and simple.
Chat in a more personal way! If you like to be touched in the heart, this app is for you.
Note: This is a messaging app, it is not a phone voicemail service.
You’ve Got Voicemail, or Vmail, is a cross-platform mobile voice, photo, and video messenger for Android phones and tablets. It uses Email addresses to transmit your messages through Wi-Fi or 3G/4G*. So all your messages are free!
FREE TO USE ANYWHERE: Because You’ve Got Voicemail uses Wi-fi or 3G/4G* that you use for email and web browsing, there is no individual cost to send your voice messages, photos, and videos anywhere in the world! So you can avoid those expensive international SMS and MMS charges!
COMMUNICATE IN REAL TIME: Exchange voice messages, photos, and videos with your contacts instantaneously!
NO HIDDEN COST: Once you and your friends and family download the app, you can use it to exchange FREE voice messages, photos, and videos as often as you want! There are no fees or charges for any of your messages!
NEVER LOSE MESSAGES OFFLINE: Even if you are offline or turn off your device, You’ve Got Voicemail will save your messages until you retrieve them on your next application use.
GROUP COMMUNICATION: Send your voice message, photo, or video to a group of friends at a time!
NO NEED TO CREATE A NEW CONTACTS LIST: When your contacts download You've Got Voicemail - and their Email address is in your main Address Book - their names will appear in your Vmail Contacts list! You can invite more of your friends and family to join, and start exchanging voice messages, photos, and videos for free!
NO SPAM: You’ve Got Voicemail is not capable of creating or sending Spam to your contacts via Email or social media. It has no access to any user’s social media account, its friends, or connections list. You may read our Privacy Policy on our website at www.youvegotvoicemail.net/privacy-policy.html
*Devices with 3G and 4G capabilities must have a valid SIM card with a data plan
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On our website, you can easily download the latest version of You've Got Voicemail! No registration and SMS required!